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  1. F

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    For Advanced Mathematics units at Macquarie (ie. the equivalent MATH233 and MATH334), all you need is - MATH233: either a HD in MATH136 or a P in MATH133 (Advanced version of MATH136); - MATH334: either admission to advanced course or permission of the Dean, plus coreqs MATH335 and MATH337...
  2. F


    nah, i tried 50, then 45, now im onto 42.50, then people wanted to buy it at a higher price... so bizaar. i dont care how much i sell it, so long as its over 40.
  3. F


    i said "our" and i wasn't referring to you... obviously.
  4. F

    Actuarial External Exams

    it would make more sense, since you're in australia, to do part 1 with the institute. ive heard that people who do it externally do it at their own pace with less pressure as fails aren't recorded just passes.
  5. F

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    i wonder how many of Australia's first team will make the trip (or more importantly, how many will find an injury).
  6. F

    myMQ Portal

    i dont think my isp likes that site (
  7. F


    disclaimer: our advice is no more reliable than our experience (or aim to increase that tally to our left =p)
  8. F

    waddup with actuarial+eco?

    all the acst/something-else is about the same difficult besides acst/law
  9. F

    how is Maq uni seen by employers

    lol... why do unsw/uts people always talk about the big 4 as if it's the biggest and bestest thing in the world to do. there are better things to do than go big 4... GO BIG TWO!
  10. F

    Do we do anything in the first week that uni starts?

    my above post wasn't all that accurate, so long as you read the Unit Outlines for each unit (and carefully, preferably twice because that's all it is). most people are too lazy to even do that, and then eight weeks into the semester realise they haven't done half the assessments.
  11. F

    Do we do anything in the first week that uni starts?

    if there are two or three lectures you should attend, they're usually the first (for unit outline, and other admin stuff which is important especially for first years) and last lectures (for potential hints and tips). no tutorials, unless you do acst151 (or higher acst units)
  12. F

    GPA calculations

    no, not really... but probably tells your (potential) employer a few things, consider the example of an overall gpa of 2.5 and a 300 level gpa of 3.5.
  13. F

    GPA calculations

    when you graduate, you get two gpas on the one transcript - your overall gpa, and - you 300 level gpa.
  14. F

    GPA calculations

    Weighted Average Mark (commonly used in UNSW, almost-never by Macquarie) It's like an average of your marks except weighted by the number of credit points.
  15. F

    GPA calculations

    I have another suggestion for management: Macquarie has a separate GPA for 300-level units. And Macquarie doesn't use WAM, so scrap it. =D Now, where's my commisson? =p
  16. F

    Happy Valentines Day!

    xP <la>
  17. F

    why macquarie???

    that's bad, takes me only a 2 hours and 15 minutes to walk to uni. =p
  18. F

    GPA calculations

    macquarie doesn't use wam. so if you had a wam of 65 and a gpa of 2.9, and asked if you could get into a course with a gpa requirement of 3 you wouldn't be allowed to get in.
  19. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    1. The Big 4 statistics are for Accounting (or mainly, so) because they are "the" accounting firms. However, there is no mention of Accounting in the original post which you are responding to. At Macquarie, our Commerce degree is "not" restricted to just Accounting. We have a wide variety of...
  20. F

    Can Man Utd catch Chelsea in the Premiership?

    You mean Duff and Robben. ;) As to the original post, the answer is NO. Noone is going to catch Chelsea. Chelsea have won the Premier League! As for your concerns about the quad... don't worry. Treble is about the best Chelsea could hope for. 1) Chelsea 2) Man Utd 3) Arsenal 4/5)...