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  1. F

    Credits or Distinctions Easy to obtain?? Plz really urgent

    Macq is different. Only UNSW uses WAM. Transcript I mean.
  2. F

    study hours required for uni?

    obvious variables - university: some unis are known to give higher marks - units of study: some units are harder than others to obtain certain grades, eg. law - competition: if you're around people who all got 99+ for a uai, it makes life harder if you go to a uni which is known to give...
  3. F

    B.Com-Acc Assumed Knowledge

    It might be core or option. Should be easy to check. As for original post, you'll prolly need to take 1 unit from MATH1xy.
  4. F

    Credits or Distinctions Easy to obtain?? Plz really urgent

    Credit average (but if you use it to transfer, it isn't technically... Macq GPA is not-funny). It's not hard to get a Credit average in Arts. But it isn't easy.
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    LCM Mark IV

    of all things?! we're going to gelato(sp?), and only the "real" flavours. :D
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    LCM Mark IV

    meets are better organised over msn and a cup of tea. =p
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    LCM Mark IV

    Come one ppl, REPLY. :)
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    The best elective unit

    too lazy =p other mods mite check.
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    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    Of course there are other teams. What bout Liverpool and their title challenge in 20xy? And the best Aussie to ever play - Harry Kewell. ;) Liverpool now have Baros and Mori which would be a good combination. Even better than Heskey and Owen a few years back, I'd say.
  10. F

    whats the differnce -- B IT & B IS ??

    IS requires 4 more credit points, and in general, a few more 200 level or above units. IS also requires a few subjects from EFS (Economics and Finance) department. IS in general has a few more core units where you don't have a choice in later years.
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    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    Hectic, there is no point arguing. Let's just sit back and see how second-half of the season pans out.
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    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    Don't ever underestimate the power of middle management. They're the ones who can squat people like flies. ;) If anything, we should have a "Transfers and Law" forum.
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    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    How (not) to set up a EFS forum.
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    The "how much do books for (insert unit) cost?" thread

    don't most unis in new south wales do juri and torts in first year law, not just macq?
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    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    Chelsea aren't that scary that Man Utd (in a league game) should get slaughted. Either way I expect a reasonable scoreline and a Chelsea win. =p
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    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    - You say Henry has good record in ECL - it's like 1 goal in 2 games. Compare that with Van Nistelrooy - it's almost 1 goal in 1 game (for Man Utd). So are you telling me Henry isn't a match-winner in ECL? Because each time it's the team's fault - their defense, their mindset, etc. - It's...
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    Programs of study

    i dunno, i steered clear of my group (both of them as newbie and as mentor =p)
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    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    grizz is personally inviting you =p
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    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    Forlan is the next big thing ;)
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    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    grizz organises a location where he can pitch his cameras from afar =p