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  1. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    First, alot (in comparison to very very few if any at Maquarie) of UTS people are on scholarships with those firms. Second, alot of Macquarie students are internation students who don't apply for "Big 4". Third, Accounting is not equivalent to "Commerce". Fourth, statistics don't tell the...
  2. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    IronMike responded to most of those claims in his subsequent posts (which form the bulk of the thread - I think pages 2 to 6). =p
  3. F

    why macquarie???

    that's alright, so long as the students arent dropping like flies =p
  4. F

    psychology at macquarie..

    actually macquarie is good for psych (or so i heard from unbiased sources, ie. non-macquarie people).
  5. F


    i would suggest (accg253 and acst201) over (acst200) because you have better chances of achieving a pass or better in both (accg253 and acst201) than (acst200).
  6. F

    GPA calculations

    smarter cookie, i forgot about that one.
  7. F

    why macquarie???

    That's only Monash, isn't it? Although other unis have off-campus traumatic deaths too. =p
  8. F

    GPA calculations

    An easy way to find out is to just go to SES and ask for a copy of your Unofficial Transcript (the Official Transcript costs money, whereas the Unofficial Transcript is free). You'll find your GPA as well as your grades on that. A GPA of 3 would be equivalent to a Credit average (well, sort...
  9. F


    which book is that?
  10. F


    you're an actuary, so it doesn't count. the yearbook is half done. the other half being the hard part... ps - get james to buy the textbooks and give them to you at work, if you dont wanna wait in line.. cos he'll be at uni for mentor training / orientation
  11. F


    I have no doubt there are many who are smarter, have better personalities, etc. than actuaries. In fact, non-actuaries can beat actuaries (in ACST101 - all 3 mods were beaten by a non-actuary here on BoS in the same semester we took the unit). But in short, there are better ways to spend 4cp...
  12. F

    Mentor Thing

    was that the training day? i dont recall getting that feed? old-age is crippling my memory, these days.
  13. F

    busl250(05summer) exam question

    great minds, indeed :D
  14. F

    Mentor Thing

    it was from early morning to late arvo (now it's just half-day) i think there was food (otherwise, i wouldn't have gone ;)) edit - im not sure if they snacks or proper food ie. meat.
  15. F

    Mentor Thing

    maybe it was last year... actually, that was when g2g started stalking me. maybe you'll meet a fellow bos-er... all i remember doing was walking around campus and chatting with peoples. anyways, you guys have it good cos *we* (read: me) complained about the training day being too long...
  16. F

    argh enrolment

    lol, get in line! =p
  17. F


    it's generally alright, ie. less than 15 minutes (unless it's raining or a hot day). you just have to time it, like getting seats in exam-period (or thereabouts)
  18. F

    Mentor Thing

    it's boring. (sorry to lower your expectations)
  19. F

    Summer School

    In fact, since most uni students don't start studying until the last few weeks, you'd think that summer school would be easier.
  20. F

    busl250(05summer) exam question

    I was about to post something similar, ie. it would be unfair to your peers, ie. it's like getting a pink paper which gets reused every year.