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  1. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    Well, you've hit on something "Also next reply you put up, make a new thread (preferably in the GENERAL UNIVERSITY forum) so we don't spam this thread. " You're in the Macquarie forum, arguing about UTS against UNSW. You have made no constructive arguments for or against Macquarie. The...
  2. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    The argument couldn't be put more simply. :) Why bother comparing UTS with UNSW, when our original issue was which Commerce was better Macquarie or UTS? Yes, I agree you addressed the issue. However, it doesn't help the students that much. Take the example: Someone asks the question...
  3. F

    1st yr actuaries 2005

    strictly speaking, this is a high school forum. and also, if there are too many people here, we'll be overrun (prolly with stalkers, however =p). we have enough as it is.
  4. F

    2005 Offers

    Yes. Reason: It's good to an entire copy and to read as much as you want. Even if you have broadband. After you buy it once, then you can check online in later years. It's a worthwhile reference to start with.
  5. F

    2005 Offers

    It is scary early on, especially if most (or all your friends) decide to go to another university. Let me think. 1. Enrolment <--- Must do!!! 2. Work out what units (subjects) to do in your degree. <--- Should do. But even if you don't work it out completely, you can always change in your...
  6. F

    2005 Offers

    Just relax. It's rare to find students who have the whole enrolment/timetable/etc. process worked out. Take a deep breath, and find an academic advisor (NB: they may or may not be helpful). Buy a copy of the Undergrad Handbook. And ask someone whose done it all before, eg. friends, other...
  7. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    A few things to note: 1. Is it just me, or have I seen repeated references to a certain university, ie. UNSW? We are addressing the question of whether to study at Macquarie or UTS. So maybe, UNSW isn't as practical as you claim. Maybe, it is. Does that help our student in making a decision...
  8. F

    O-Week @ MQ this year

    O-Week is not enrolment (which includes picking up SAM diary). Anyway, you'll see.
  9. F

    1st yr actuaries 2005

    cos they dunno about BoS
  10. F

    1st yr actuaries 2005

    it's funny in ECON110 on WebCT, hundreds of students posting their MSNs in hope of getting someone to explain the course to them
  11. F

    O-Week @ MQ this year

    O-Week is the first week of semester 1.
  12. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    they aren't all grey, in fact we actually have something green at macq as well... and you still haven't answered the question - how do they make practical links between economics and operations of business
  13. F

    Making Timetable > >>
  14. F

    Making Timetable

    I think you're only meant to follow one program (not two programs) of study, ie. the one you're enrolled in. You shouldn't have that many core units, as G2G pointed out, there are overlaps.
  15. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    it only happens when someone claims that uts is better than macquarie, otherwise he ain't say nothing. but thanks for bring up the nice buildings at uts :D
  16. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    He was the Vice Pres of some CPA thingy three years ago, then Pres of some CPA thingy two years ago, then I didn't do ACCG.
  17. F

    2005 Offers

    your guess is correct
  18. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    Might I ask How they showed the link between Economics and the Operation of Business? And it's hard to compare between a university you've been to and one you haven't been to (as in, actually undertaking units of study there). Also if you go by GUG, you might as well go to ANU like our law...
  19. F


    ASSOC is a "student society" (aka a club). No it isn't compulsory to join but you'd just be missing out on stuff. To the later, perhaps.
  20. F

    2005 Offers

    by diverse range, you mean the diverse number of different double combinations with actuarial right? =D