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  1. F

    Who doing eBusiness this year?

    At Macquarie, they (internally) operate under a different system from most other universities in NSW. Hd & D = 4 Cr = 3 P = 2 PC = 1 F = 0 Therefore a Macquarie GPA would lie between 0.00 and 4.00. In other university GPA systems, a GPA of 5.00 would equal to a Credit average, where...
  2. F

    1st yr actuaries 2005

    About Smicht? It's usually Demand and Supply, and with limited places, it doesn't change that much. Anyway, doesn't matter / concern us because we're actually studying it. It won't jump much, thanks to the introduction of actuarial at UNSW. If UNSW get a really bad rap about their...
  3. F

    Academic transcript

    by tuesday, you can they get it by friday otherwise, you have to pay alot more for it to be done very quickly.
  4. F

    Officially Transferred

    acst is easier at unsw (in terms of gaining exemptions) but with that said, it isn't that easy. have fun at unsw!
  5. F

    1st yr actuaries 2005

    Actuarial shouldn't be as high (UAI) as it was last year. It's around the right place now. I don't think it'll fall below 95, and I don't think it will rise above 98 (single degree, that is) anytime in the near future.
  6. F

    hey guys... urrm

    Units on offer at Summer School vary each year (that is, some units aren't offered because there aren't enough people). For 2005 Summer, check and scroll down.
  7. F

    what are the powers of a mod?

    That's a blatant rip-off of my ModStickTM. I'm taking you to court. =p
  8. F

    concession cards and student cards

    when you enrol, they'll take a photo then and make a card for you, and they'll give you concession stickers, transport things, etc.
  9. F

    double degree or single degree?

    many people do acst/app fin thinkin' it's the best... and then they realise they're like everyone and don't stand out.
  10. F

    what's the time for applying internal transfer?

    I haven't sold item 2, yet. If the person doesn't reply before the early next week (say, next Tuesday), I can sell them to you.
  11. F

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    its the same in most commerce degrees...
  12. F

    1st yr actuaries 2005

    the uais are very similar to the those of the class of 2001
  13. F

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    umm, most teams especially in epl play "ultra-defensive" against chelsea so they rarely go forward at all, so the defense is rarely overworked or anything. milan are in the most defensive league in the world (epl is about the least, if you dont consider bundas), so for them to keep scoring...
  14. F

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    the only real problem with milan's defense is it's lack of pace... they have three veterans, who are technically well ahead of chelsea's defense but even lampard could outrun them (maybe not cafu). chelsea's defense has a little more than workrate, they have the real-madrid-midfield-screen...
  15. F

    Officially Transferred

    we make a commerce forum at macq, in memory of griz =p
  16. F

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    - The Traore goal was class. I haven't seen such a good own goal in some time besides the Cygan header recently with no one in sight. - Owen isn't that worse off with Real. At least he doesn't play enough to get injuried, so he can actually get back into some shape. And by the looks of his...
  17. F

    1st yr actuaries 2005

    CPA: Can't Pass Anything (actually)
  18. F

    what's the time for applying internal transfer?

    there are few threads around. best thing to do is ask an academic advisor (now I sound like the Macq BB - phone this departm, etc. =p). best idea is to plan out your degree program assuming you'll transfer successfully. then match the prereqs you need with the 100 or 200 level units.
  19. F

    what's the time for applying internal transfer?

    think transfer forms should be in already... tho doesn't matter.. just do the units the double degree would be.. and transfer after midyear results are released or something.
  20. F

    Credits or Distinctions Easy to obtain?? Plz really urgent

    At Macq, you can hypothetically get a "WAM" (not term not actually used at Macq) of 78 and have a GPA of 4. Whereas someone with a "WAM" of 85 could have a GPA of 3.5. The person with a GPA of 4 would be in a much better position if they're considering awards, etc. and stuff.