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  1. Lazy

    last week

    As many as it takes....... :apig: :apig: :apig: :apig: :apig: :apig: :apig: :apig: :chainsaw: MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *Evil smilie* *sigh* Can someone please find me a evil smilie
  2. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    Of course not.....would i do that??*innocent look*:p :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: Hehehehe :lol:
  3. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    OMG mr squiggle!! I used to love that show, but i didnt like Squiggle i liked blackboard, he was always so grumpy and mad :p HURRY UP!!
  4. Lazy

    helppp! i need ta study!!

    Hehehe :D Beat me to it :p But seriously, i think studying in the back yard on a blanket in the sun is the way to go, i get shit loads done that way.....but of course sometimes its just so nice laying there that i drift off to sleep......:sleep:
  5. Lazy

    last week

    We reject your pig and howl for blood :p :chainsaw:
  6. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    Whatever you reckon. :rolleyes: Shouldnt you be cleaning something?? :p *That statement is directed entirley at lazychic and not at women in general* :D :D
  7. Lazy

    i hate that oreo ad.

    Its an ad for rivers clothing, heaps of little kids wearing rivers clothing are jumping around playing, and everynow and then they jump up and scream WE LOVE RIVERS!! I cant believe you havnt seen it, it goed for like 5 minutes:angry: :chainsaw:
  8. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    Before my time my arse!! I remember widget the world watcher, he was a magician wasnt he, its a bit hazy but i remember he had a pointy hat. :p
  9. Lazy


    :rofl: Thats some funny shit :p
  10. Lazy

    Too Big?

    Yeah just dont let your opinion cloud your judgement. You can say anything you like As long as you can back your statement up
  11. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    :argue: Im sick of arguing with you, ill be the bigger man and walk away even though you started it :p :wave:
  12. Lazy

    Yr12 Jerseys: Whats Urs Like??

    Yeah we got to design ours as well, everyone who wanted to made a design and handed them all in, then the whole form voted on the one one we wanted. They let us put anything on them we wanted as long as it wasnt swear words or anything.
  13. Lazy

    Yr12 Jerseys: Whats Urs Like??

    Are u serious?? :eek:
  14. Lazy

    Favourite subject

    Modern History for sure Then: *Legal studies *PDHPE *SOR All the other subjects are fucked :chainsaw:
  15. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    Hehehe You crack me up lazychic, your so up yourself its not funny, but thats ok, cause i am too. As for me paying women to say that, yeah your right i do, its a personal shame of mine :o
  16. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    Jealousy is a bad trait sweetheart :p Hey its not my fault women find me irresistable ;) *im doing the rubbing the finger on the nipple going ohhhh yeeeaahhh thing that fat bastard does* :p
  17. Lazy

    Too Big?

    Moderns piss easy if you know what your on about. We done Russia and the cold war as our options and there pretty easy. All you have to remember for the cold war are a shit load of dates. If you can remember them you'll have it easy
  18. Lazy

    Yr12 Jerseys: Whats Urs Like??

    What about numbers/names/symbols etc?? Any of that shit on yours?
  19. Lazy

    It's one month exactly until the HSC starts.

    Nah in not shittin myself, im just taking things as they come. Its not like the HSC is the be all and end all you know.
  20. Lazy

    Police Visit yet?

    Our headmaster thinks hes got us under his thumb :D so no police visit for us......;) He'll learn the error of his ways thats for sure....MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :chainsaw: