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  1. Lazy


    :argue: Well at least the spelling was better in that post :p :chainsaw:
  2. Lazy

    - - - - signing school shirts

    HAHAHAHAHAHA Now thats some funny shit :D
  3. Lazy

    favourite song at the moment.

    Its an oldie but a goodie.... *Jim Croche - Bad Bad leroy Brown :D
  4. Lazy

    someone confess!!!

    Here here!!
  5. Lazy


    Come on mate, no-one will respect you if you dont bite back :D I wont mind if you bite my head off, and im sure mercury wont either, i mean we started it so its allright :p So...................give us your best shot :D
  6. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    :eek: I choose to take offence at that remark :) And as a matter of fact i DO have a blow up doll, i got it for a friends bday and NO i havnt tried it out (yet ;) ) So i suppose YOU think you get more lovin than ME...
  7. Lazy

    - - - - signing school shirts

    How does she do that thing with her tongue? :p
  8. Lazy

    When do you finish your HSC?

    Ill hoist a cold one to you mate, right before i pass out from all the sex ill be having :D
  9. Lazy


    As funny as that is mercury (and by christ it IS funny) you shouldnt pay the poor bugger out for not being able to spell (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - cough) a word that he has been seeing everyday for the last 2 years (HAHAHAHAHAHA - OMG im gonna burst a lung - cough) i mean its an honest mistake that...
  10. Lazy

    someone confess!!!

    ok ok so my spelling is bad :o
  11. Lazy

    someone confess!!!

    Do i detect a note of sarcasim in that last post?
  12. Lazy

    Vote your subjects!

    Lazy mentions in passing: "you know i do believe there is an ENTIRE thread dedicated to the simpsons and their amusing anicdotes (did i spell that right) maybe you should go for a gander and add your favourite quotes etc" (hint hint hinty) ;) ;)
  13. Lazy


    Dont forget to mention along the way something about the state having control over every aspect of its citizens lives, power of para-military forces, and secret police. Shit like that. TOTAL power=totalatarianism
  14. Lazy

    i hate that oreo ad.

    Im sorry i missed out on the bush bagging out session and the subsequent communist/capitalist/patriotism/nationalism/jingoism argument *sigh* so ill just have to hang a huge load of shit on that FUCKIN rivers ad. You know the one where all those little kids are jumping around shouting "WE LOVE...
  15. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    Damn!! I feel for you man i really do :)
  16. Lazy

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    I see where your coming from, you too robbo but i reckon if you dont harm the animals in any way or discomfort them overly much then wheres the harm?? I mean its not as if cows arnt meant to be slaughtered for our dinner table is it??
  17. Lazy

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    I can help you buddy Just type into kazaa adam hills - working class anthem, and download it. Easy as all shit, oh by the way ive got it on my hard drive too :D
  18. Lazy


    .......although i do love the name :p
  19. Lazy


    Thats MY sentiments exactly :D
  20. Lazy


    Hunni do you know you have nearly the exact same pic as Lazychic? :) Hehe just something i noticed :p