Come on mate, no-one will respect you if you dont bite back :D
I wont mind if you bite my head off, and im sure mercury wont either, i mean we started it so its allright :p
So...................give us your best shot :D
I choose to take offence at that remark :)
And as a matter of fact i DO have a blow up doll, i got it for a friends bday and NO i havnt tried it out (yet ;) )
So i suppose YOU think you get more lovin than ME...
As funny as that is mercury (and by christ it IS funny) you shouldnt pay the poor bugger out for not being able to spell (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - cough) a word that he has been seeing everyday for the last 2 years (HAHAHAHAHAHA - OMG im gonna burst a lung - cough) i mean its an honest mistake that...
Lazy mentions in passing: "you know i do believe there is an ENTIRE thread dedicated to the simpsons and their amusing anicdotes (did i spell that right) maybe you should go for a gander and add your favourite quotes etc"
(hint hint hinty) ;) ;)
Dont forget to mention along the way something about the state having control over every aspect of its citizens lives, power of para-military forces, and secret police. Shit like that. TOTAL power=totalatarianism
Im sorry i missed out on the bush bagging out session and the subsequent communist/capitalist/patriotism/nationalism/jingoism argument *sigh* so ill just have to hang a huge load of shit on that FUCKIN rivers ad. You know the one where all those little kids are jumping around shouting "WE LOVE...
I see where your coming from, you too robbo but i reckon if you dont harm the animals in any way or discomfort them overly much then wheres the harm??
I mean its not as if cows arnt meant to be slaughtered for our dinner table is it??
I can help you buddy
Just type into kazaa adam hills - working class anthem, and download it. Easy as all shit, oh by the way ive got it on my hard drive too :D