Search results

  1. obliviousninja

    UNSW BSoc O-Camp

    Who is going?
  2. obliviousninja

    Colombo Theatre

    I can't find it on the map. Where is it located?
  3. obliviousninja

    Tapatalk Inbox

    Keeps crashing, can't view PMs.
  4. obliviousninja

    UNSW 2014 Rollcall

    Hey fellow bosers, I'm just keen to know what you people are doing next year and am waiting to meet all of you at O-week. So I'll kick things off, I'm ON and I'm planing to do B Comm./B Info Systems. Concludingly, once again, 'Don't Doubt The New South'. CU soon.
  5. obliviousninja

    Raw Marks Thread

    So apparently some people have gotten their raw marks back. Feel free to post below. So the rest of the community can banter and see what the scaling has been like. I will do so, when I get my bio back.
  6. obliviousninja

    Atars are out

  7. obliviousninja

    Co-op offer release.

    Apparently offer results are released today. But I can't seem to login. Anyone else have a similar issue. I might have to call up Co-op.
  8. obliviousninja

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    Hey guys, everything that we have worked for this entire year is going to be reflected in these upcoming results. I don't know about all you guys, but I'm actually pretty keen to get my results back. Will madly be entering them into an atar calculator on the 18th. My primary concern is my...
  9. obliviousninja

    2013ers doing Commerce?

    Who else is doing Comm?
  10. obliviousninja

    Free Essay Marking

    Hello 2014ers, I have managed to survive through the HSC this year, but this would not have been possible without the support of others on BoS who have shared their vast amount of knowledge. So given the amount of free time I have now, I would like to make a contribution and give back to the...
  11. obliviousninja

    Prescribed texts internal scaling

    Does anyone know what are the best scaling prescribed texts for the AOS and each module? I am actually quite curious to know.
  12. obliviousninja

    Indonesian spying allegations

    How should Tony Abbott handle this situation?
  13. obliviousninja

    ATAR Calculators

    How legit are atar calculators. Using the raw mark database and my expected raw marks, I converted them into aligned marks and chucked into atar calculator. 99.3? Like srsly? I'm expecting 95.
  14. obliviousninja

    Atar estimate

    School rank: Average 60 over past couple of years, but I think the cohort is going to perform not as well this year, so probs high end under 100. Internal rank/Raw estimate (taking worst-middle case scenario) English Adv: 7/51 - 88/105 Business: 2/23 - 92/100 Biology: 1/11 - 92/100 MX1: 6/12...
  15. obliviousninja

    Band 6 cut-off?

  16. obliviousninja

    Raw mark estimates

    97 Post below.
  17. obliviousninja

    What are your uni course preferences?

    Post Top 5. 1. UNSW Co-op B.comm. 2. UTS B.Acc. 3. USYD B.comm. 4. UNSW B.comm. 5. UNSW B.econ.
  18. obliviousninja

    english mark how to estimate?

    I thought it was ?/105, then it goes to ?/100 Also Paper 2 is out of 60 marks, not 55.
  19. obliviousninja

    UNSW/USYD for Comm.

    Who teaches it better? What offers me more opportunities?
  20. obliviousninja

    What do I do if i got no formal date?

    ^^ is it fine if i don't have one?