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  1. B

    Action potential question!!

    Don't worry I'm not a HSC student.
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    what about that stupid 8marker..FAR OUT~!!!

    And if i was replying to you then I would use quotes. :rolleyes:
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    what about that stupid 8marker..FAR OUT~!!!

    Mutation is a highly unlikely event.
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    Action potential question!!

    Action potential relates to the change in electrical charge by the movement/diffusion of ions, and how an 'response' is triggered.
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    COW quEstioN??? what tHE!?

    Quarantine and isolation. Take the bird flu for example. Cows are too lazy to walk very far :rolleyes: Was was the actual question?
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    can a very basic html page be made in Word???

    Or even notepad.
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    Genetics option

    Post the question if you can.
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    Boost Juice Bars

    99% of Boost workers are female. But I gues only females really appl for this job.
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    Big W job

    They hold it for 3 months but anyone who walks up to the store and hands in an application they are chosen over online applicants. Online applications are pointless most of the time especially with the Coles Co. stores. My application was held for a year and no reply, it wasn't until I resent...
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    Boost Juice Bars

    All black with Boost logo on the front. Lots of bling and bandana.
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    Poker is a +EV game :)

    I dont think many professional and more famous players of texas hold'em have a degree in actuaries. Maybe take some psychology courses too.
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    Wolf Creek

    Quintin Tarantino said it was the scariest movie he had ever seen. Would of been good if it wasn't slightly based on the Falconio case. With all the media coverage the movie will be getting some higher attendences. Surprising they said that the movie wasn't nominated for some of the top 5...
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    Can someone post the ISYS123 Past Paper or any COMP123 past papers please.
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    30 Days: Morgan Spurlock

    Okay. So todays episode was on the effects of binge drinking. To be honest the show closed on a dissapointing end. There were no results of her final medical test and no real resolution. DId anyone else notice that the Motorway Patrol Officer was also on Dr Phil (yes I watch it) a few days...
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    formal suits...

    Freak Trigger : you should wear a top hat with that outfit.
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    econ111 exam sheet thing

    Didnt 40% of students in ECON111 plagarise the last assessment?
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    House M.D.

    For those who don't know, there is something important on next week that has delayed all series on Channel 10 by one week. Not sure of the details
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    Marriage + Uni

    You should study health or Nursing, then prey on the elderly sick men.
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    Marriage + Uni

    Your a gold digger aernt you? :P
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    octopus eats shark

    Hahaha yeah I've seen this one. I want to see a giant squid vs. full grown killer shark.