They hold it for 3 months but anyone who walks up to the store and hands in an application they are chosen over online applicants.
Online applications are pointless most of the time especially with the Coles Co. stores. My application was held for a year and no reply, it wasn't until I resent...
Quintin Tarantino said it was the scariest movie he had ever seen.
Would of been good if it wasn't slightly based on the Falconio case. With all the media coverage the movie will be getting some higher attendences.
Surprising they said that the movie wasn't nominated for some of the top 5...
Okay. So todays episode was on the effects of binge drinking.
To be honest the show closed on a dissapointing end. There were no results of her final medical test and no real resolution.
DId anyone else notice that the Motorway Patrol Officer was also on Dr Phil (yes I watch it) a few days...