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  1. B

    Marriage + Uni

    Depends on how much you paid for the wedding.
  2. B

    Worst way of getting dumped.. or worst excuse for a break up

    What about: ...... Yeah thats right, no excuse at all and they avoid you for the rest of their life.
  3. B

    Marriage + Uni

    An unwise choice doesnt reflect them to be unwise people.
  4. B

    Worst way of getting dumped.. or worst excuse for a break up

    SMS and emails are just the few of many non-confrontational methods people use today. Its simply much easier with no hassles but also a cheap exit to a relationship.
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    The Official Football Thread 2005/2006

    I remember those days. Also with Tore Andre Flo. The only reason I support Chelsea was because they were really the first team that I watched. They won their game and I was impressed. Then there was a time where Chelsea had huge potential in their team but they always manage to draw every...
  6. B

    Marriage + Uni

    When was I ever telling them off? She asked for our opinions and this is mine. If i have to be married to express myself then that is nonsense. Nor did I judge them for their decision (but only on the decision itself). Plus who says I havent been married. :chainsaw:
  7. B

    what do i say?

    Wait until the end of the HSC? It wont be too long.
  8. B

    We Can Be Heros

    There was a thread on it awhile ago, don't know where its gone. Got links to the clips?
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    Marriage + Uni

    Marriage and love is like an endurance run. It's not just based on the fact that you may be infactuated or believe that within a short period you have found your perfect partner but rather how long you can hold out the relationship for. Marriage isn't a thing to mess with, once mariied your...
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    That would be strange...if she was to play the next major female role in the show. Expecially for Australian audiences who have seen her in Stingers before. Then again, if an Australian is in it then they'll definately air it on tv. :rolleyes:
  11. B

    Marriage + Uni

    They havent been together for more than a year and they got married? Unwise no matter the outcome.
  12. B

    formal suits...

    Sorta of what I'm referring to, but the suit and shirt he's wearing seems 'saggy' (probably very thin material).
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    Or how the Nike "tick" is backwards.
  14. B

    Marriage + Uni

    Exactly. And with the uncertainty of which pathway to proceed, why be in the rush to get married? Which ultimately allows you more time to decide whether it is even suitable.
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    formal suits...

    ROFL Who the hell wears white :|
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    formal suits...

    Belts act as a divider between top and pants. Guy 1 is wearing a baby blue shirt but due to the lack of photography ability by whoever is holding the camera, the shot is overexposed making the shirt white. Even then he is stupid to have the same colour shirt and tie. Oh and faint white...
  17. B

    formal suits...

    I say Suit on guy2 with a darker blue (non-shimerish) shirt than guy 1, no tie and a noticable buckle belt.
  18. B

    What to do in California?

    I see cro_cngel is applying her Macquarie University stalker skills internationally now eh?
  19. B

    formal suits...

    Labels are overrated. They draw more attention to your wallet than how good you look in it.
  20. B

    Into the blue

    I think Jessica Alba is way overrated. And that guy whose in The Fast & The Furious is the next Keanu Reeves.