I go for personality... and the guys I've liked all had something unique about them, I didn't know any other guy like them... although I do have some standards with looks (as I think/hope most people do)... like they have to at least have some pride in themselves...
Like they'd at least not...
I think it depends on the person, but I prefer either really long hair (just above the waist) or really short hair for girls..... For guys preferably short or just above the shoulders.... and no mullets....
I had the same sort of thing, a good overall average, and shite UAI (which I'm not posting but it's greater than 40 and lower than 60) and it's because my school was ranked low. Or the school scaled me down or something.... meaning my school was shite.
My regret was not changing schools.... I was working my arse off and getting decent marks for everything, but in the end my school scaled me down... ALOT, so much so it's ridiculous. I worked so hard, to only have it wasted.
I'm gonna see what my UAI is first, and if it's better than last years UAI cut off i'm going to change my preferences around and put criminology further up the list. I did the RET test and all, so I want to at least apply for something at UWS.
I dont think i'll go.... I know which courses and in which direction I want to go... but I might talk to my brother about it though, he's a UoW student... so he'll know whats best.... hopefully.
Unfortunatly you need the motivation. If you have that, then really you only need to go to a selective if you can't get the access to better resources.... whichcan hinder you alot in the end depending on the degree of the source hinderance.