Well once you've got your question just find out as much as you can about it's history and what it's like now and then do you're methodologies etc basing it all around your question. See how it turns out, and if you have plenty of stuff you can always swap around what you wrote or cut stuff...
Don't want to burst anyones bubble, but they're still been over done. Anything to do with eating disorders has mosty likely been PIPed in every aspect.
To be honest I dont think relationships should be any one's top priority until like they're nearly 30, especially at our general age range.
And those Year7's who dress like whores and act like them too just make me wonder what the hell they're parents are thinking! It's not cute when your 12...
That teachers shit, but shit happens... in my own opinion you might as well get a physics tutor.... and rely on them, I did that with maths and got in the top 10 at school from being in the bottom 20
Meh, I havn't got mine yet... I'm not expecting anything too spectacular either, something very mediocre.... and also hoping my UAI is good enough to get into Wollongong... thank you extra 3 UAI points thingy-boby...
You don't have to worry if you havn't applied for TAFE (I didn't) and if I...
It was like the art exam.... pretty easy but it had a few "ummmmm...." moments.... but overall pretty simple...
and yes now I go to an 18th birthday party and tomorrow the city then tomorrow night I have a an interview with some vodka shots.