For the last several months, I have been over the HSC and I still am... I think I've become too relaxed about it... oh well, it's over rated anyway. :p
Meh I usually study because I know I've bludged to much... then I study for aaaagggeeeesss then take along break then study even more... it's all to make up for the procrastination.
Mines okay, spaced out alot... but it annoys me I would rather have less days in between certain exams and more inbetween others... but meh, what can you do?
I hate anything to do with this module, but at least I did 5 pages on it... bleurgh! Die Shoe-Horn Sonata!!!!! DIE!!!
But I think I did okay despite I hardly studied this at all....
I think I did okay. I know I coulda done alot worse! My additional material="Wag the Dog", can't remember the Director's name... meh. Anyway I wrote mostly about the manipulation of Scott's point of view and the point of view of the American audience in the other movie.... 6 pages...
I don't exactly prefer bad boys, but guys who aren't afraid of being different or a rebel... but they have to be nice as well. Don't care wether they smoke or not, or swear, or wear leather jackets or what ever... as long as they have a good personality and can make me laugh.....
Anyone see the short report about the HSC on channel ten at about 5:10?? They showed what they are most likley going to be marking us on.... argh.... I don't think I went too well anymore :confused: :confused:
I got about 8 hrs, which is normal for me, but I kept waking up and dreaming of weird things happening during the exam... like some one booked hens party in the hall... and male strippers came.... but they were actually giant chickens.....
Mine was pretty lame.... about a ball owned by a 12 yr old boy and his dog... he some how got stuck in the mud of a pond... from the balls perspective...