Search results

  1. scoby_2000

    Practise for German cont. speaking

  2. scoby_2000

    Practise for German cont. speaking

    yea there the ones we use in class there heaps good omg im so scared about 2moz
  3. scoby_2000

    Continuers Speaking Practice

    ich habe viel angst, zu anrufen (wow...that was should you say that?) ist es nicht merkwürdig, wenn man nicht kennen w holy shit i like cant remember any german at the moment fuck it isnt it weird to talk 2 someone u dont know :S ?
  4. scoby_2000

    Physics CRAMMM!!!

    i didnt get any proj. motion :(:(:(:(:(
  5. scoby_2000

    2005 CSSA Physics

    i thought it was a bit too much like "wrote learn" stuff like someone who had read the book well wud of done well whereas i mainly practiced with past papers and stuff and yea i dont think i did that well but because i did it in the morning i saw my teacher when everyone else did the...
  6. scoby_2000

    what do u think will be in the 2005 cssa trial

    i got ure hint man....and i used it thx heaps :D that Q was still preety hard
  7. scoby_2000

    Physics CRAMMM!!!

    ......becuase i do german i did physics this morning fuck that shit was hard.....
  8. scoby_2000

    Physics CRAMMM!!!

    i think A) because 1. its the only answer i get from a calc. and 2. this looks rite 50 / 37 = 13.5 13.5 x 9.8 = 132.4 y i use that calculation i know not....but it comes out with A) so :D
  9. scoby_2000

    Physics CRAMMM!!!

    ok ps...i am dumb
  10. scoby_2000

    Physics CRAMMM!!!

    why am i here?! i should be in my room studying!? waiting for answers :D (procrastination is justified :D)
  11. scoby_2000

    Solutions To 2003 Cssa?!

    i didnt want to coz id look dumb but maybe i should.... see i read 3 versions of space summaries...i was like "thats down pack" and was going to move onto motors when i was like hmm....lets look at the 2003 trial and see if i can do it... (im sure it will be easy for u people but i kept...
  12. scoby_2000

    Solutions To 2003 Cssa?!

    shit shit!!! anyone know where i can get them?
  13. scoby_2000

    what do u think will be in the 2005 cssa trial

    lol...thats helpful1 :D
  14. scoby_2000

    Finished the trials

    french?? .......or arabic continuers? :D
  15. scoby_2000

    Finished the trials

    Maths - done English AoS - done English Mods - done German, Physics - 2moz German Speaking - this sat Eng. Ext, Germ. Ext - Monday German Ext. Speaking - next sat... 3 down 6 to go... omfg! most people have finished :(:(:(:( i suppose the two speaking exams r my hsc so it will...
  16. scoby_2000

    UAC pins

    omfg i was just reading some "main round" or cut offs or some shit i dont get it either wait... what ive understood was say i really wanna do arts i just looked at that thing and it say UNSW B/ ARTS - 78 does that mean i only have to get 78 (according to last years...
  17. scoby_2000

    Edassist Exams Made Easy 24th-26th september

    ill go to eng. if they do inner fkn everyone always forgets about inner :( its a bit gay that its the sat of our last week of school...i planned to be absolutly shit faced hmmm really happy there doing them again coz i recks they ar so good!!! (This is not a plug...i...
  18. scoby_2000

    Official 2005 CSSA Trial Exam Thread

    i hate people like you :(
  19. scoby_2000

    UAC pins

    is it still all the same if u dont want to go to UNI straight after school?
  20. scoby_2000

    Edassist Exams Made Easy 24th-26th september

    yea i got the letter as well (wow...i was really popular....two letters in one day...the other being a UAI pin...hmmm....what a treat) i will definatly be going to ALL of my these as the ones i went on before were sooo goood especially for physics i will be going for PHysics, Maths and...