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  1. scoby_2000


    i as well....1 of 3 and the others are germans the only real "advantage" i have is that i was in berlin for 5 weeks however it has come to my understanding that having gone on exchange is nothing to be proud of as the majority of students seem to of gone ( this thing at the Goethe...
  2. scoby_2000

    Notes on Hunne Im Abendland

    i second this...
  3. scoby_2000

    notes for extension speaking topics

    holy shitballs! are you being paid?!?!! (u shud b)
  4. scoby_2000

    2005 CSSA English Advanced Trial

    ummm this has most likely been posted already.... but just in case from that it looks almost certain EVERYONE will have to resit :(
  5. scoby_2000

    Official 2005 CSSA Trial Exam Thread

    THERE WAS A Q10?>!!? my wit gone for the day neways did anyone else NOT have to do probablity, rates and growth? our school hasnt done that yet (or is that a state wide thing?) coz in alot fo the past papers there was stuff about prob and r&g
  6. scoby_2000

    2005 CSSA English Advanced Trial

    its going around at my school that we may have to sit the exam again i highly doubt that our hod of english will give a damn........
  7. scoby_2000

    UAC pins

    ........someone wanna tell me how and where to choose my preferences? :( im so "out" of this whole "uni" thing i just wanna finish my hsc :(
  8. scoby_2000

    Official 2005 CSSA Trial Exam Thread

    i do 2u...i found the paper quite hard for the first time i came out and wasnt bombarded by people saying "omfg that was so easy" the general jist was quite unimpressed so in comparision i think i was about the same i think i got somewhere between 55-70% i cud of done with bout 10 mins...
  9. scoby_2000

    who on BOS is freaking out about their major works...if they have any????????

    hav u finsihed ure work? im in the same boat ive preety much finished my work but havnt even started the reflect. statement!!! IM STRESSING OUT!
  10. scoby_2000

    extra time in exams

    *starts to cry* - i wasnt given them....i was just interested in them *snivels*
  11. scoby_2000

    extra time in exams

    nah i didnt mean to be like that at first i thought that using a lappy was just like another option like i thought anyone cud do it but nooooooooooo i dont care that i cant use it....i care that others can! (who are just as able as me!)
  12. scoby_2000

    extra time in exams

    i asked my director of studies if i cud use a laptop for english coz i know if i had i wud of been able to finish the past 3 assesments... i thought it wud b easy to do....fill out a form..."ok here it just write u have 2 hours" but instead i hav to fill out a like 8 page thing...
  13. scoby_2000

    Cssa 2005

    i found the 2002 one a biatch! so pattern Q 9-10 almost impossible!
  14. scoby_2000


    wat the are keane like coldplay?? i find keane to be much more harder with songs like "Bedshaped" and stuff...thats way to hard and rough for coldplay i find keane more like Queen with their lack of formal structure in their music i think they fuckn rock ive been...
  15. scoby_2000

    Anyone not finished yet?

    ive finished my work (i think) but i havnt even started my reflection statement im still a bit hazy as to what to put in.... how long after AUG 22nd do u do the viva?
  16. scoby_2000

    German phrases (for speaking & writing)

    es kommt darauf an... es zu etwas bringen meiner meinung nach ewigkeit (nothing to do with this but its my fav. german word at the moment :D)
  17. scoby_2000

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    that is an interesting Q....i wonder what it will b called....hmmm i think draco will turn good coz then theres like a moral behind the tale kinda thing... writers like jk rowling arnt brave enough to say stuff like that... it wud b like if frodo had kept the ring and had made the world...
  18. scoby_2000

    When do you feel ... like Giving ... 'jobs??

    lol....thanks guys u hav officially entertaind the hell out of the last 10 mins its taken me to read this stuff lol funniest thread ever!
  19. scoby_2000

    Pranks For Schoolies

    get my mates laid but a chick called miriam.... then tell them her secret :D
  20. scoby_2000

    How Do I Cope In Year 12?

    agrees.........but procrastination is an important part of life :D