i hated any asian film coz i hate the way asians act and stuff like full quick and way to over-emotional (e.g. jackie chan or the guy in Battle Royal)
however much i hated the guys acting in it Battle Royal was def. one of the coolest films i hav ever seen....i just loved the idea
so yea i...
Mod A - TPT & ASP - Essay (i think i did alright)
Mod B - Cloudstreet - Letter to an editor (Yea i think this was alright)
Mod C - Ant & Cleo - Essay (So bad only wrote 2 and a squidge pages....so bad! ran out of time ) :'(
hehe same boat buddy
Start of my speech (from assesment)
Cloudstreet. A novel written by an Australian, Tim winton, graduate of Curtin University Western Australia, who at the age of 27 commenced writing the novel in Australia, then travelled to Paris, IReland and Greece on a writer's...
"Interpretations of texts can shift and change with time and place"
Considering your time and place, reflect on the ways in which context has shaped your critical interpretation of the prescribed text.
In your response, refer to TWO extracts from your prescribed text.
i love it as well
though i hav only seen the 1st season....i fell in love with it straight away
i bought the 1st and 2nd season from JB-HIFI in the city for $10 each!!!! :D
nice little distraction from trials
bet ya anything mine will be like
"How does your text maintain its values in different contexts"
or something about like that
e.g. context, reception, values
(im doing cloudstreet)