Nice LATEX, PDF and Word copies of my notes should be finished, just missing some bits in Chemical Monitoring and Management.
Free sample of notes, comes with Word/PDF plus nice LATEX PDF sample too (included in zip and attached separately as well)!
attached at end
Free word copies (no...
I'll be adding to this list, and putting various different resources for the 2018 hsc syllabus
For now, because I am a bit busy here are some things, more things coming soon.
General Resources
A selection of HSC Notes
Welcome to the 2018 Maths Ext 2 Marathon
Post any questions within the scope and level of Mathematics Extension 2. Once a question is posted, it needs to be answered before the next question is raised.
This thread is mainly targeting Q1-15 difficulty in the HSC.
Q16/Q16+ material to be...
For 2015 and earlier for some subjects, please let me know. Plus while you are at, why not sign up for a Boredofstudies account.
To request other subjects to be added, please send a PM.
To discuss any of the questions: Create a New Thread here
Question Paper
Marking Criteria & Sample...
Possible Discussion Topics:
For most of you have just finished trials or from what I've heard teachers have finished marking, and you should be getting your results back.
Comment below and discuss. Here are some helpful suggestions:
- Maybe share helpful study tips
- Post-trial successes or...
I will be finishing LATEX my mathematics notes from first year; which I will put up on buy/sell to purchase
Here is a free section/sample.
I will eventually adapt a HSC version after I have finished the 1st-year/2nd-year version.
The main source for PART 1, used is the Trench, Real Analysis...
Let me know what files/trials you want solutions done up for. I cannot promise to get them done straight away.
I need to have at least the question file.
Sample File Moriah 2002 Ext 2 Trials Q1-2
My LATEX Code:
Fair enough that people want SSM, but this is just the latest in I...
In case you were wondering here are the Quick Styles, Colours & fonts that I use for my notes. Excuse the non-original naming
You can use them to style your notes :)
[1] Intro
Welcome 2018, 2019 & 2020 HSC students, to the 2018 Discussion Thread.
Please keep the General Discussion on the 2018 HSC forum solely for general discussion relating to the HSC.
I'd encourage strongly the sharing of resources in this forum as well such as notes/past papers...
If I get around to finishing them some time this session, my mathematics notes will be up for sale.
They don't follow the current syllabus exactly** and contain a lot of extra material, I might also publish a concordance to go along with it.
**meaning it will actually be useful for 1st year...
Post any questions within the scope and level of Mathematics Extension 2 mainly targeting Q16 difficulty in the HSC.
Any questions beyond the scope of the HSC syllabus should be posted in the Extracurricular Topics forum...