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  1. H

    One Month To Go!

    Hmm dude, you triple posted. It would be kind of scary to see our essays in that standards package. Unless of course, its in band 6.
  2. H


    hmmm 1/25... though my school is bad though :(
  3. H

    integral/polynomial question

    I suck... so im just going to try and fudge this. Intergrate the original polynomial: =b_0/1+b_1/2+...+b_n/(n+1)+ C, where C is some constant. Now if b_0x/1+b_1x^2/2+...+b_nx^n+1/(n+1)=0,Then the intergral of the original polynomial would result in some constant C. Therefore, there...
  4. H


    4 Unit maths is good... And it does make the 3U sooo much easier.
  5. H

    One Month To Go!

    Psh... What a stupid idea that is... He/she/it/spawn_of_devil/thing is probably too lazy to make their own notes. Just burn them anyway... What can they do?
  6. H

    hard work

    me four please!
  7. H


    Since 1st is already taken, ill guess last.
  8. H

    circular motion

    Variable angular w? Do you mean the rate of change of the angle with respect to time?
  9. H

    hey anyone else doing imperial rome or is it just my school?

    But you get that extensive by reading the different authors. Say Wiggum, do you go to Sydney Boys?
  10. H

    hey anyone else doing imperial rome or is it just my school?

    Just reading the different books by the authors are all that is really needed to get into band 6 though.
  11. H

    hey anyone else doing imperial rome or is it just my school?

    Its an easy topic, thats why.
  12. H

    hey anyone else doing imperial rome or is it just my school?

    I do Agrippina and Augustus to Julio Claudians... I find this topic to be very interesting.
  13. H

    CSSA results

    Whats the GRC trials?
  14. H

    My teachers aren't teaching!

    Then learn it yourself... It isnt that hard really. Just use Scullard or Salmon to learn the Roman part, and then use Bury & Meggs along with Herodotus and Thucydides to learn the Pelopennesian league.
  15. H

    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    Geez! what school do you go to? Our class is only 18... how many people in your class gets band 6 in their trials?
  16. H

    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    85 people in your school do Ancient History????
  17. H

    deeper polynomial

    I feel so inferior everytime i look at someone solving all these hard questions....:(
  18. H

    bnw/br is a good combo?

    No matter how much i hate the bloody module, its an elective that is much better than most of the crap they have on offer. At least the book is mildly amusing and the film has some good scenes.
  19. H

    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    LOL our history teacher tells us that if anyone asks who teaches us Ancient History, we should say that another teacher in the school teaches us, not him.
  20. H

    trials results

    I did shit. Period.