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  1. H

    what marks did people get in the CSSA?

    Leon... Shut up. Please. You're an embarassment to us all.
  2. H


    1/11... But my school sucks, and i suck too.
  3. H

    what marks did people get in the CSSA?

    St. Catherine's Dux this year is an absolute genius. She got 99% in economics... OMG...... But the thing is, 100 is not impossible to get for you, so you shouldn't talk.
  4. H

    Is anyone else annoyed...

    Well, i think you should go and write to the Board of Studies to make this new subject. With all the new VET courses being offered, i think it would be unreasonable if they did not offer this.
  5. H

    SC mark!!

    96-98 Maths (Can't remember) 88 Science 79 English
  6. H

    ancient history is destroying my brain

    Im starting to hate my school more and more by listening to that....
  7. H

    How Late Can I Leave It???

    How can you cram maths?
  8. H

    answering different sections?

    What did she get in the end?
  9. H

    what marks did people get in the CSSA?

    Well i write at the same speed i type hehehe. I think in my last ancient exam i did by hand i did a total of 10-11 booklets hehehe. Besides, the laptops they give suck so much that my wrists hurts every exam. Its more of a pain than the ones that my hand gets after writing :P.
  10. H

    how to study??

    Me neither. Though it could be because i can lie effectively on paper, and you can't do that on multiple choice.
  11. H

    what marks did people get in the CSSA?

    You can't even spell my name right. And i beat even without the damn thing, like last year... Besides, if you count the words, 1250 per essay, that is actually only 6 pages on a booklet. :P
  12. H

    16 Days until Ancient Exam

    Mmm im just preparing my quotes list to use on the night before. Other than that, im not studying for it at all. it worked during the trials, ill gamble that it works during the HSC. :P
  13. H

    Easy Inequality

    Wow thanks guys. :)
  14. H

    Easy Inequality

    Its easy, and i cant do it. Hence im an idiot. deduce that x^3 + y^3 + z^3 > 3xyz And while im here, can i please ask the expansion of (x+y+z)^3? i always forget...
  15. H

    I want the hardest 2003 4unit paper

    I remember that. I was a bad wittle boy as well.... Eventually i learned.
  16. H

    @ yr 12: advice for yr 11? ... plz :)

    Im in year 12. But if its any reference, my average in economics is 95 %. I got 92 in my catholic trials.
  17. H

    I want the hardest 2003 4unit paper

    Maybe because they just forgot to turn up to the exam...?
  18. H

    How Late Can I Leave It???

    Bludging is the best... relaxing over a nice ice tea, just surfing the net.
  19. H

    @ yr 12: advice for yr 11? ... plz :)

    It depends on your personal style really. I personally did not use the textbooks, out of contempt for them. Instead i used other resources.
  20. H

    ancient history is destroying my brain

    Thats the problem i have as well. I can remember all the events and causes all from the top of my head, without needing to study. The problem that i have is memorising a decent amount of quotes.