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  1. H

    Some integration problems

    For part 4... The first way is to use partial fractions. The second way is as such: ∫ (3x^2-ax)dx/(x-2a)(x^2-a^2) -> limit from 0 to a = ∫ (3x^2-ax)dx/[x^3-2ax^2-xa^2+2a^3] -> limit from 0 to a (Expanding the bottom) = ∫ (3x^2 - 4ax - a^2 +3ax + a^2 ) dx / [ x^3 - 2ax^2 - xa^2 + 2a^3...
  2. H

    CIRCLE geometry. =(((

    4u circle geometry has to be tackled in a calm manner. If you don't see the answer immediately, that is nothing to panic about. What you have to do is just to mark out what information you know, and just draw on your diagram what facts you know from the theorems. After that, it should be...
  3. H

    Cssa 2003

    They should give the official solutions if your school actually does the CSSA. But if they don't, there are places that actually do the solutions for past papers, such as Phoenix.
  4. H

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    Actuarial nerds rule!
  5. H

    open book test

    (From James Ruse's 1997 paper) Find the exact volume generated when the region bounded by the functions y = e^x and x = ln2 and the co-ordinate axes is rotated about the x-axis. (This one i made up... Hee Hee Hee, its not too hard, its just long. I know its not exactly a pyramid, but i can't...
  6. H

    Maths 1101,1111,1121,1131,1141,1151

    Yesh i am.... Now i am just wondering who you all are. :P
  7. H

    International Business or Finance anyone?

    What sort of things do you do in International Business?
  8. H

    International Business or Finance anyone?

    Finance is boring. Actuarial is so much better... Until you get to the finals and realise how damn hard everything is. Although, i am in first year, so i am relatively clueless about everything. I've been told that finance gets better and actuarial gets worse in second year, but ...
  9. H

    Spartan Government

    Critisize it. Insult It.
  10. H

    Quick Question

    ( I didn't actually do a calculation to check, i am lazy..) both answers could be valid, depending on the method. Slide Rule used the "reverse chain rule" when intergrating it. Meanwhile, the solution that Gamer gave must have been derived from Sin(a)*Cos(B) = 1/2 [ Sin(A +B) + Sin...
  11. H


    Oh dear.. I didn't know what to do for that question, so i only did like one page for it. So i guess i left out a lot of things huh?
  12. H

    What is this?

    Thats what i said.
  13. H

    What is this?

    Part 1 is easy. The Second Part i think is a little more challenging. What we are required to show is that s^(2n) + 2nt - 1 is divisible by t^2 Now s^(2n) - 1 is clearly divisibly by t^2, just expand the binomiall and you can see for yourself. the problem lies in the term 2nt/t^2...
  14. H

    Maths 1101,1111,1121,1131,1141,1151

    Not to worry, Carl told me who you are. We'll meet in the finals or in the next session eventually.
  15. H

    Maths 1101,1111,1121,1131,1141,1151

    I usually sit in the middleish, 6 or seventh row from the front. Where do you usually sit?
  16. H

    Maths 1101,1111,1121,1131,1141,1151

    Really? I am doing both the 1141 and 1151 past papers for preparation for the exam next week, and i still think that 1151 papers are definitely much harder.
  17. H


    You don't necessarily need to have an angle in the bracket, you can always manipulate or define the equation such that it would always start at the maximum or minimum. This might sound weird, but i couldn't find the question you were asking. Could you please quote it again or something? Sorry...
  18. H


    How did you guys go, for those of you that has already had them? I just had my accounting today, and i would say that it was pretty damn hard. I got so sick and frustrated at it, i left at 4.00, one hour before the exam finished... Oh Well :p
  19. H

    Minai~!!! Help me!

    I wouldn't stress too much about it. I think it will just be in the same format as our mid session last question, which is as Minai said, would be split up in different parts. Also remember, he said he will have a choice of what questions we want to do, so all hope is not lost. If you are...
  20. H

    What do you think of the lecturers so far?

    Economics is boring, full stop. But Stegman is pretty okay, he was much better than my old high school teacher certainly. How good is Diane? I have heard good things about her. As for accounting, the only good lecturer i had for that was for Robert, just because he is relatively funny for...