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  1. Taskan

    List of books to read after the HSC..?

    I read Brave new world just out if interest, and i liked, except the bits that take place on the savage reserve. American Gods by Neil Gaiman is my contribution, along with Neverwhere by the same. i'm sure one could be useful for the HSC too, though i'm crap at deconstructing.... but don't let...
  2. Taskan

    The Anti-Fetish

    lol, ironically enough, as i read this i was listening to "Venus in Furs" by The Velvet Underground
  3. Taskan

    Good Luck '07!

    Best of luck in the exams guys and gals
  4. Taskan

    Good Luck '07!

    best of luck tomorrow
  5. Taskan

    Good Luck '07!

    best of luck tomorrow
  6. Taskan

    HSC year almost here

    I'm nervous, confused ( and it hasnt even started yet), and, well scared, because i dont know exactly what to expect. good luck to everyone over the coming year