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  1. Taskan

    A bit of info on your school.

    ranked around 100 top UAI was like 99.85 or thereabouts
  2. Taskan

    People who continue to write after time's up.

    i remember in yr 9.... a long time ago, but anyway, they called pens down, and the guy a row across from me just kept writing, so a teacher comes up and takes the pen out of his hand, as soon as she started walking away, he picked up his pen and started writing again, lol. though i agree, our...
  3. Taskan

    Half Yearly Exams

    i had General maths y/day, barring any stupid mistakes, i think i did quite well. Next is chem, next Monday, though i also have to write my AH speech for Tuesday.
  4. Taskan

    new to bos

    Yeah, its a great forum, and some of the threads are quite amusing as well.:D
  5. Taskan

    are you gonna study in the holidays

    i'll also make sure my notes are up to date..... once i've written them
  6. Taskan

    Top 200 Schools (Daily Telegraph) - 2007

    yay, my school is in the top.....110, thought that there were more schools better than us, tbh
  7. Taskan

    subject selection regrets..

    thats a lot of hate ^. i didn't much like it either, so i dropped it for extension history
  8. Taskan


    computer games- its been months since i last played COD... computer usage in general, i don't spend anywhere near as much time as i used to looking up pointless websites TV shows, though many of the ones i liked are gone and reading books i like over school texts- I've read cloudstreet...
  9. Taskan

    Your Top/worst Subject?

    my best would be Chemistry, about 89% worst would be........English
  10. Taskan

    What's the most difficult book you've ever read (or tried to)? (Lacan, Joyce, etc)

    Re: What's the most difficult book you've ever read (or tried to)? (Lacan, Joyce, etc 100 years of solitude
  11. Taskan

    subject selection regrets..

    Even though I dropped Biology at the end of the prelim course, i wish I'd done Physics instead, never know, i might've dropped something else. And maths. I should've done General from the start, don't know why i let my parents convince me to do advanced, now i have to learn Data Analysis in...
  12. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    geez, i didn't realise just how short Rosencrantz & Guildernstern are Dead. is. it took me like 2 hrs to read it!
  13. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    Island- Aldous Huxley
  14. Taskan

    favourite poem

    i don't really read much poetry, but since i saw "dead man", i wanted to know where a quote in the movie comes from, i found it one day in a poem, and though i can make neither head nor tail of it, i like it. i bolded the quote Auguries of Innocence William Blake To see a world in a...
  15. Taskan

    Assessment Task Urgent Ancient Greece

    yeah, that is a bit weird, can you say what you mean by "source"?
  16. Taskan

    how long does this topic take?

    we finished it at the end of last term
  17. Taskan

    how many people are doing history extension in your school?

    started with 10, down to 7 or so.
  18. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    Clear and Present Danger- Tom Clancy
  19. Taskan

    Classical music - culprit or concentration booster?

    I find that music, though not necessarily classical, since i don't have any, helps me when I'm getting bored, particularly The Strokes, don't know why though
  20. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    Given up on "What is History?" I'll try again later in the course, when i might actually get it. its only the third book i've ever given up on, the first was "forest mage", by Robin Hobb, just hated it, and the second was "one-hundred years of solitude", it was just too..... dense. anyway, now...