Search results

  1. Taskan

    Holidays - How much work are you doing?

    I've got all my chemistry done, spaced it out, so it took me about 8 days, done ancient history , and have started legal studies work, i haven't done any maths, RE or English, but it'll get itself done. no study, I'm gonna have to force myself to do all that as soon as i go back, i feel a bit...
  2. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    about to start "what is History?" by E.H Carr
  3. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    Around the world in 80 days
  4. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    just finished the count of monte cristo, about to start The Cardinal of the Kremlin.
  5. Taskan

    Holiday Goals

    - do all questions relating to topic one of Chem, from the 28 past papers my chem teachers gave us for h/w - read texts and make notes for them for AoS - find some related texts for english - read Hamlet & RAGAD - make notes for Pompeii - notes for LS - make a proper start on the extension...
  6. Taskan

    Video Games: Do you have time anymore?

    i'm depressed these holidays cos my old pokemon silver cartridge is broken- no time waster. in response to the actual question, i do still play video games, though mostly on weekends or in the holidays, only very occasionally on weekdays.
  7. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    1984- George Orwell, just out of interest then I'm gonna have a crack at the Count of Monte Cristo. how for d'ya reckon I'll get? 500 pages? 1000?
  8. Taskan

    whats everyone doing for their major works?

    causes of the second Punic war, but i don't have a specific question yet
  9. Taskan

    Which book to Read?

    Catch 22
  10. Taskan

    Fav Subject

    Ancient and Extension History
  11. Taskan

    Last movie you've seen?

    umm..... Logan's Run its a movie from the 70's where a dystopic future is portrayed in which the government decides to control the population by killing everyone at 30. bit long winded, but still an excellent movie i give it 8.5/10
  12. Taskan

    Who's going to this?

    far too much $$$, I'll give it a miss
  13. Taskan

    guys clothes

    lol, i let my siblings (2 brothers and a sister) find clothes for me. so far we've yet to find a pair of jeans i look good in, well, we did once at trade secret, but, lo and behold, they were too small! on the upside, if i get a nautica and fred perry, I'll have one of every brand of polo...
  14. Taskan

    How is Year 12 so far?

    i had a legal studies oral presentation due today (I'll probs do the speech 2mrw, pray for me), a maths exam, and a random RE essay that isn't worth anything. overall, its not too bad, though I'm not on top with my notes. I've promised myself I'll get them done in the holidays. however, I'm...
  15. Taskan

    Angus & Robertson - Top 100 as voted by Australia

    can't believe Brave New World is only 91, or that Catch 22 is only 50
  16. Taskan

    Extension History '08

    yep, theres about 10 in our class we're probably doing JFK i was thinking about the greek-persian wars, but i got a tip that the "causes of the second Punic war", so i'm doing some preliminary research atm :worried:
  17. Taskan

    Fav Shakespeare poem/play/sonnet/quote?

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother Henry V
  18. Taskan

    What is your all time favourite book?

    Neverwhere- Neil Gaiman The Code Book- Simon Singh American Gods- Neil Gaiman Captain Alatriste- Arturo Perez-Reverte
  19. Taskan

    How'd everyone go in their prelims?

    meh, alright i cant remember exactly, but their roughly like this: Maths adv. 50/84 (crap, but for me, good) Eng. adv. 31/45 (comparatively alright) Ancient Hist. 63/100 (fun fact: i screwed up that section, so if you take that out, i got 58/75) Chem 45/75 (mediocre) Bio 60/90 (meh, i'm...
  20. Taskan

    The First Kiss

    Mine was great, that is the kiss, not the setting- the back seat of the cinema during the end credits of the da vinci code- <sarcasm> how romantic<sarcasm/>