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  1. H

    Enroling in a course and choosing subjects?

    Hey :) congrats on everyones uni offers and results! i just want to know, how the enrolment and choosing subjects al work in uni? my friends and i realised that, we've been told how to get in to uni, but no one has ever really clarified what happens afterwards. :) thanks
  2. H

    The UTS 2009 Rollcall

    B Design in Fashion and Textiles design - 1st yr :)
  3. H

    contemporary designer

    of course it depends on your teacher, but my teacher, being lovely as she was, was a very tough hsc marker; thing is, if your info and detail is there and you have answered the question, they cant not give you the marks because there's 'too much' info on her.
  4. H

    Folders for MTP folio Question and where are you up to?...

    ill see if i can find my copy of the whitehouse booklet and scan it over for u, check the post tomorrow or the day after ;) as for the textbook, try 'bellbird' you can order it online it's about $50 but its very thick and like someone said before, just fantastic, everything u'll ever need to...
  5. H

    Folders for MTP folio Question and where are you up to?...

    wait i just read ur subjects, design and tech is very different from the Textiles and design requirements :) xo
  6. H

    Folders for MTP folio Question and where are you up to?...

    well all i know is that after the page limit they will not mark past that point. if theres a way around it... im not sure, i have never seen or heard about that before. maybe im misunderstanding you; so you would use two folders? in different sizes? we also got a guide from the whitehouse...
  7. H

    2009 UTS Offers!

    B of design in fashion and textiles design at uts :)
  8. H

    Folders for MTP folio Question and where are you up to?...

    if you use a A3 folder there is a limit of 12 pages, if you use an A4 folder from memory there is i think a 24 page limit (dont quote me on that i dont remember cause i used an A3 folder) as far as i was aware, you cant use A3 AND A4 only ONE size. a plastic folder is reauired, you have to tape...
  9. H

    contemporary designer

    i'd stick with the obvious, like dinnigan, reason is, there is alot of info on her. and they happen to ask for a contempory designer in your exam, the examiners mark your info on what they can find. if you do someone obscure, and they cant find info on them, they simply just wont give you the marks
  10. H

    yr 12 standard

    high degree of difficulty in ur commerical pattern and a high level or creativity and innovations. its not nessery the size of ur garment or project but its the techniques; the skill level that you have shown
  11. H

    yr 12 standard

    what do you mean by that?
  12. H

    The Crucible and Belonging

    Re: crucible related texts thats a really good movie... we watched it for the 'telling the truth module'...
  13. H

    what did you think about the exam??

    i felt it was a fair exam :) we predicted pretty much what was going to be in it before we got it based on past papers so we felt comfortable :)
  14. H

    Visual Art Students! Who did you pick 4 your essay artists?

    meret oppenhiem, marcel Duchamp, Claes oldenburg and manet
  15. H

    Underline or quotation marks when referencing artworks in essays??

    dont think it really matters as in they cant mark you down for it... i personally useinverted commas
  16. H

    i still hav 3 exams

    finish on thursday:) 2 to go:)
  17. H

    A square is a special rectangle?

    lol thats like saying a circle is a square with no sides...
  18. H

    10 units- whats the big deal?

    i do 11 units and i strongly advice that you do what suit you regardless of who says what :)
  19. H

    Friends of the opposite sex

    i think it gets a little complicated an awkward after it gets sexual, but only if you let it. i think if both people talk about it and establish whats going to happen after there 'fling' has ended i think it still has great potentials for a great lasting friendship
  20. H

    work load???

    the content is quite big so definately as someone said before, do it because you love it! not because you need an extra 2 units. the assessments requires effort, extra effort; such as 2-3 hours at a university library to find sources and then another 3-4 to sort/ read through them. with that...