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  1. H

    End of the road

    drop art pick up ext 2 english :P...
  2. H

    How Have You Changed?

    :D same here i procrastinate, then when i get asked if i want to do something with my friends i feel bad and say i cant cos i havent done anything when i should have.. i feel very distant from my friends which sucks cos ur meant to create some pretty strong bonds but theres other factors to that...
  3. H

    Another question

    we didnt even touch on this, this year. we only went as far as the Treaty of Versailles and the main players in that. the conditions and events leading up to it and its significane...
  4. H


    same thing for the modern topic we do ranges from 3-9% of the state... as well as 'the justice game" and spec fiction (ext)
  5. H

    Which peanut butter variety do you prefer?

    anyone else remember chocolate peanut butter a couple of yrs ago?
  6. H

    Study guides - are they really THAT helpful?

    i personally dont find them any more helpful then the notes and sheets we get in class especially in english. if they help you then by all means use them, but i didnt use any for my hsc this year either and there wasnt anything in those guides that told me something i wasnt already told in...
  7. H

    How Have You Changed?

    i am now humbly aware of the complete waste of time the hsc is.
  8. H

    Did people at your school take this exam seriously?

    same as the others 1 unit kids had to do it so they didnt really care... us 2 unit kids cared :D wasnt too bad tho :)
  9. H

    It's OVER!!

    exactly!!! i couldn't even enjoy wall-e properly wtihout thinking how it linked to br/bnw :D n spec fiction lol...
  10. H

    what are you going to do with your major work after the hsc?

    i can relate to this... mainly cause the art department really let us down... ill keep my photos but the sculptures can just stay at school for ever... couldnt care less...
  11. H

    Only 2 days

    same ;) ranked 1st 2 unit religion... not worrying about it till after extension
  12. H

    rumour??... CHEATERS!!

    haha i know... deserves to get caught for that:P
  13. H

    coming soon, to a school near you

    i agree ext is much easier then advance. the questions and the creative piece doesnt worry me cos i do genres (spec fiction) so its pretty adaptable :D
  14. H

    south africa, mandela, indochina

    i do south africa and mandela. i chose the question on bantustans and independent black states... i thought that was quite easy :) part a for personality question i just did his background and childhood and for b i did more his public life and association with the anc and bring an end to...
  15. H

    Modern History is nearing.

    hmmm no one does anglo-irish? northern ireland?
  16. H

    what TYPE of school do u go to?

    Re: Public School vs. Private our hall where the exams are held, isnt air conditioned so i do understand how hot it gets, however the rest of the school is air conditioned. to pay for it it had been deducted from part of the school fees $60 per family to fund it. considering its coming from...
  17. H

    Modern History is nearing.

    northern ireland = :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
  18. H

    Finished Exams!

    omg i envy u.... :( finish on the 6th which isnt too bad but 5 to go :(:(:(:(:(
  19. H

    250 Students Suspended from Exclusive Melbourne School

    i thought for public schools it's optional? one of my friends went to a public primary school and it was called a 'good-will' donation thing, where they wanted you to pay but it wasn't compulsory so to say...
  20. H

    Who has been the greatest live act ever?

    Dappled cities...