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    when do we find out if we made it in or not?

    i just got mine today, i got in which is good.
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    Guitarists that can play AND sing at the same time

    i did it cause i knew that everyone but you would know who i was talking about. i'm surprised someone gave a fuck. whoa, slow down. i just like his down to earch approach to his records, and live music.
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    Guitarists that can play AND sing at the same time

    Jeff Buckley, Billy Corgan, Matthew Bellamy, Robert Zimmerman
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    when do we find out if we made it in or not?

    i got 68.7 its not that bad, but it means i wont be going to uni
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    when do we find out if we made it in or not?

    yeah still havent got my letter :| getting a little worried now
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    when do we find out if we made it in or not?

    i got a letter saying that i will receive a letter detailing the outcome of my application in the week commencing the 19th of december. it then says to make sure u are avalilable to make payment this week....hmmmm
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    Post your predicted UAI

    i got 68.70 fuck
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    how do i get my UAI for the internet ?

    how do i get my UAI ? is it from the UAC site like with preferences
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    Post your predicted UAI

    sam gave me 70 i want 80 though fucking hell
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    ANY normal/ average people in here?

    85,82,77,71,72 ( and 60 for chem) hmmmmmm
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    "Oh no, I only got 89! I'm so stupid..."

    i got 55 in exam mark for chem, to me thats fantastic
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    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    how much does one cost ? it wont be more then $20 will it ?
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    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    this is a stupid question, but where can i get a white tie, i have all these ones with patturns but they look retarded with my black shirt ? i need one by tomz arvo
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    Tips for 2006 HSC Class

    seriously. u got 21 days of pure study. at least 3 days for each subject. thats more then enough...
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    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    seriously. u got 21 days of pure study. at least 3 days for each subject. thats more then enough...
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    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    seriously. u got 21 days of pure study. at least 3 days for each subject. thats more then enough...
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    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    The best tip for 06'ers the 3 weeks u have before the HSC is enough time to learn everything. nuff said...
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    Tips for 2006 HSC Class

    The best tip for 06'ers the 3 weeks u have before the HSC is enough time to learn everything. nuff said...