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    15 ? i'm hoping to get 30 more then i would normally. i'm doing all the questions from success one, and 2 practise papers by friday that should boost my mark alot right ?
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    i'm fucked for it as well. i got 35% in trials. the assessments we did, i wasnt going to bad so it brought my mark to 59 as a final mark.
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    Worst way of getting dumped.. or worst excuse for a break up

    the good'ole "its not you, its me" line
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    Question 27 a) ii) WTF!

    oh fuck FUCK so the answer to question i) is not about 17500 then more like 1500 ? fucking hell at least i got the trend one right. still, fucking hell, i read the graph wrong.
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    Question 27 a) ii) WTF!

    i could not find an answer to this question. can someone please enlighten me
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    Present Value

    when should i leave ? 1:30 takes 15mins to get to school i think thats fine
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    Goodluck to all...

    wtf, is the forum time correct ?
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    Subjects that you regret doing

    its hard to say. cause i enjoy chemistry but i suck at it, so i dont regret it.
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    Goodluck to all...

    getting close !!!!!
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    Your exam strategy

    leave multiple choise to last normaly do the multimark questions in 1 hr quickly, then multiple choise, then use other hr to check through everything.
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    What if BOS looses our results

    just say that BOS lost everyone's results from these exams what will happen ?
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    who's still going out clubbing/RSL-ing in between exams?

    i hit the pub after english. good times
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    Oh gawd, trig with obtuse angles, :@

    i havent done a question on this in ages. it looks well complicated. any tips ?
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    Newb to the workforce

    thats not good...
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    architectural technology at tafe & transferring to uni

    oh shit, i forgot the answer the rest of the question. UTS, and New castle are two of the unis. New castle has a comprehensive look on how the credits transfer onto the course, have alook on the site.
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    architectural technology at tafe & transferring to uni

    ultimo i've heard. if i cant get into the uni i want, then i'm going to ultimo tafe to do architechual tech
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    I Love General Maths Who Else Does??

    i love it, i got 87%, with no effort what so ever. exam marks averaged 85% did not do any study. hate to brag. but its the only thing i get to brag in.
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    Module B: Close Study of Text

    i did deb westbury for the poetry one really annoyed at the only using one poem, but still i did dapto dressing up which i had 4 major points for, and linked those points with the other poems which was ok. managed 6 and half
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    RAW!!! can someone plz help me

    wtf are u sure ?
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    Campus Accomodation, Who Got it?

    fuck, i still havent appylied. i have to sort it out tomz, you think i can make it ?