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    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    The best tip for 06'ers the 3 weeks u have before the HSC is enough time to learn everything. nuff said...
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    3 unit bridging course... from general maths

    i thinking of doing civil engineering, and i need to have some sort of knowledge of 3 unit maths. is it possible for some one who has done general maths to do the bridging course, and get somewhere ? or will i be wasting my time...
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    Favourite band(s)

    of all time ? probably smashing pumpkins
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    Dream Lineup...

    Everclear *open with Sparkle *close with annabellas song Incubus *open with deep inside *close with pardon me Hendrix *open with Fire *close with redhouse Placebo *open with Hang on to your iq *close with pure morning John mayer *open with my stupid mouth *close with st...
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    Most attractive to you?

    u need to have it so we can pick more then 1 thing, you know you can do that in a poll
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    night fill

    how many ppl would be on the same shift ? to do the whole store would take fucking ages
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    Software Developers View of Hardware - Last Question

    i just swapped the AND and OR gate from the original around. i think its right. can someone double check ?
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    w00t! Chem + Software tomorrow :(

    chem at 9:30 FUCK then sdd chem is a lost cause, no point studying, might as well do misadventure or something
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    whats the difference between ka and ba?

    sorry my answer wasnt to your standards....
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    Five minutes reading time completely inadequate!

    took me about 1 to have read each question just read down contents find page turn to page this advice is abit late, but still. plenty of time. i cant stand reading time, it gives me a fair indication on how much i will fail
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    Section III, IV - Historical Periods

    i did about 20 pages each
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    whats the difference between ka and ba?

    some random thing about spirit and body
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    Julio-Claudians Notes/Summary ?

    that should be enough. all i know is augustus and the senate and reforms
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    Who's Totally Screwed For Chemistry

    my trial mark was 35% and i have ancient tomz then i have SDD and Chemistry on wednesday i'm fucked raped what ever you call it
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    I dont like chem

    i like it as a subject, but i hate the exams, its fucked. i get like 30%, and i always will. have fun guys lucky i'm doing 12 units.
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    Whos sent there applications ?

    i just got back from ultimo tafe to hand in mine i walk out of the station wondering where it is, and i see this huge TAFE thing on top of this building
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    Whos sent there applications ?

    i'm doing mine now, lol. bit late, but when hsc started i totatly forgot about it. i'm going into the city tomz and handing it in person, i dont trust the mail system :rolleyes:
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    Where can i find the address to mail Application form ?

    i gave them an email just then just got a reply "Please mail to: Sydney Institute Admissions PO Box 707 Broadway NSW 2007 Or deliver in person to the Information Centre, 831 George St open 8:30am till 6pm"
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    Where can i find the address to mail Application form ?

    does anyone know the address for ultimo to mail my application form? is it this Ultimo College Harris Street ULTIMO NSW 2007 AUSTRALIA ?
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    architectural technology at tafe & transferring to uni

    this was from another thread... "I'm currently doing Cert 4 Arch Tech part time and so far I've enjoyed it. The teachers are good, facilities are okay and the course content is alright however of the stuff is a challenge to get your head around (not saying it can't be done). For more info go...