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  1. starrysky

    Has anyone finish all their exams?

    Re: Finished! Congrats on finishing unscathed! :) I finish next Friday as well. *tackles Tanzin* :D
  2. starrysky


    Definitely agreed. I studied quite a bit, and I got in there and my confidence went poof. For Question 28 I just talked about the changing nature of markets. Then I got out of the hall at the end, looked in my textbook, found all the social, cultural, legal, economic, etc. factors and literally...
  3. starrysky

    Hey Guys Urgent Regarding Journal!!!

    First of all: calm down. There is no standard way to start your journal - the other person who did EE2 in my year started hers with nothing but the date and then printed out web pages that related to her central concept. I started mine differently. My teacher gave me a sheet for character...
  4. starrysky

    Writing your name in section III

    Same. O_O Eeek.
  5. starrysky

    are you ready for the exam?

    Ditto, dude. Ditto. :mad1:
  6. starrysky

    Module A - Transformations

    Social conventions can get you a lot of marks, though - like you can talk about the whole relationships dependent on wealth, status and influence (if you did Austen/Heckerling), and then relate to marriage and love and whatever else Austen jammed in there but obviously didn't intend on her book...
  7. starrysky

    The, "Who hasn't studied" Thread

    Same. I'm only doing 10 units. Blargahafafkhafkjf. I've got Math, Bio & EE1 next week. I'm writing up notes the afternoon after the Bio exam, and then having in-school lesson with teacher to re-evaluate everything and go over loads of crap, etc. etc.
  8. starrysky

    Someone has kidnapped BOS English Exam writers.

    :rofl: Meh. I'd be happy with 40/60, I have a feelingg I'll lose a fair amount of marks in each module. Blearghaakfakfjsfkjfhkjaafishnuts.
  9. starrysky

    Module B - Gwen Harwood

    Doesn't the question specify that you do at least one emotion that's significant in at least two texts? So wouldn't you have to find a common emotion between the two and discuss that? Or I might be wrong and misinterpreted the question. O_O
  10. starrysky

    Module A - Transformations

    They will only get marked on the first two that they mention, so it creates an even playing field for all those who did no more than two. I did Emma/Clueless. I selected mainly theme stuff - talked about the superficial values and delusions about existence for Emma and Cher mostly (which ties...
  11. starrysky

    Module B - Gwen Harwood

    I did the emotions of passion (love) and devastation (loss or sadness) with Prize-Giving and The Glass Jar as my focus poems - I initially tried out devastation and loss as two separate emotions, but then realised that they correlated too much, and there was more reference to passion in both...
  12. starrysky

    Someone has kidnapped BOS English Exam writers.

    Lol @ that. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Bleargh. Goodbye Band 6. *drops it down the well* At least the false sense of security from the AoS paper was carried on through, so there wasn't any particular panic, at least amongst my Advanced cohort.
  13. starrysky

    Extension confusion

    Best advice I can give you, that I was given myself at a lecture last year when I started EE2: Avoid teenage angst & suicide stories, unless you can pull it off immaculately and can avoid cliche's. With that said, though, general consensus is that you write a story centring around ideas and...
  14. starrysky

    Someone has kidnapped BOS English Exam writers.

    I often wonder if it takes more effort for them to write lyk dis all d tym than it does just to spell correctly and use proper grammar & punctuation. If it does, they're stupid. If it doesn't ... it's obviously morphed into a first language. I have a feeling there's something tricky behind them...
  15. starrysky

    Predicting specified Harwood poem

    THEY DIDN'T SPECIFY ONE. I shit frisbees when I saw they didn't specify one. Was so happy. How did everyone go? :D
  16. starrysky

    paper 2 modules Emma Clueless

    I bloody loved this question. I incorporated the question into my thesis, expanding on how Austen used narrative techniques with the prose medium versus Heckerling's film techniques, etc. Then did a paragraph for each context - i.e. Regency England & post-modern 20th Century society, comparing...
  17. starrysky

    General Thoughts - English Adv Paper 2

    It was nice - the questions were so general that I actually managed to fit in all three modules for an all-round finished job (except Powerplay, but I almost finished my conclusion, so ... hrrm).
  18. starrysky

    Module A - Transformations

    Give a shout-out if you did Transformations for Module A, people! I personally thought this question was easy to complete - it was easy to link to, didn't require a personal response, and was generalised enough to not make me run out of the room waxing lyrical about my 0% sanity. Thoughts...
  19. starrysky

    Predicting specified Harwood poem

    While there are limited questions that can be asked on Harwood in the exam, there is just as likely a chance that they'll ask something like "the enduring nature of Gwen Harwood's poetry is that it appeals to different audiences. Discuss the validity of this statement ..." as there is of being...
  20. starrysky

    Section 1 - comprehnsion- answers- Discuss

    My thoughts also. I think that the best of both worlds would earn a full three marks. So, discuss the instances of contrast presented in the text, and extract techniques to back things up. I just used the word juxtaposition with each example and whatever. Talked about the personal tone of the...