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  1. starrysky

    Exam Thoughts

    Yeah I just talked about pretty much the same stuff. Talked about ecothermic species (e.g. water-holding frog, was it? Eh) and stuff, and how some species can only exist in a narrow range of temperatures so they'll either go splat or natural selection will weave its magic, yaddah yaddah. Blah. (Y)
  2. starrysky

    Exam Thoughts

    Same here! Just the basic stuff that came vomiting out of my brain - plant, wait for them to grow, record temperatures frequently in winter, observe the dropping off of leaves, record observations, then repeat experiment. The whole rigmarole. Annoying, to be honest. How did everyone go with the...
  3. starrysky

    Options: Communication

    Damn I should've done that. Didn't think of the lobe ... ah well.
  4. starrysky

    Options: Communication

    That's what I did too - outlined the main structures of the ear and such. Somehow I managed to work in something about sound shadow and the versatility of sound just to bullcrap it even more. :)
  5. starrysky

    Urgent!! Do your extensions always count?

    General consensus is to do well in everything so that you don't get thrown if you stuff up in something. If you're going well in everything else, just keep up the stamina for MX1 and you'll be alright.
  6. starrysky

    Options: Communication

    Same. Wrote quite a bit for it. And bullshitted the 7-mark one, although in retrospect, I probably should've just not blown up all the facts and whatever. It was generally easier than I thought - nothing that I didn't expect.
  7. starrysky

    Exam Thoughts

    Yeah that's what I put too. The peacock plumage attracts mates etc. etc. rabbited on about that for a while and then I stuck something about mimicry and camouflage or something in the end with a chameleon and it's just like "... no more than 2 marks for that question, then". :p
  8. starrysky

    Exam Thoughts

    Same. I just bullshitted that simplicity and was like "the sections of chromatids separate and crossing over occurs. Random segregation of chromosomes is integral in meiosis for genetic diversity" or some completely blown-up piece of crap that I wasted five minutes wording lol.
  9. starrysky

    Multiple Choice

    Ditto. I put B for Question 11 - happy about that. MC was fairly straightforward - I liked it. :)
  10. starrysky

    Exam Thoughts

    I was very happy with this exam - half the stuff I crammed was crap I didn't need, but I didn't care. It was quite easy - actually the first exam that I've felt really happy with. :)
  11. starrysky


    Ditto. *sigh* And then you get that feeling remorse that just grips you right in the chest and shit. *glares at Bio notes* If I get below 60, I will surely come onto these boards and flaunt my sexy low UAI for you all to see. :)
  12. starrysky

    doubling up

    I need one too, for speculative fiction. Fuck, I hoe they don't do some weird crap like last year's HSC and specify that your creative explores this particular concept or etches this particular theme as its focus, blah blah, fuck you, Board of Studies. Alas, my philosophical piece of shit for a...
  13. starrysky

    Does anyone feel..?

    I just feel apathetic towards studying right now; not over-working myself in cramming for Biology tomorrow (hence why I'm on here and don't have my nose buried in a revision guide ... literally ...) because I'll probably end up trying to answer crap that I know nothing about, and everything that...
  14. starrysky


    I'm hoping for anything over 60 at the moment. Not even lying - shoved estimates of the exams I've done into SAM, plus guestimates for those I have left, and looks like I'll be getting 60ish. Whoohoo? There goes my 83 ... *sigh* I shouldn't've dropped Hospitality ...
  15. starrysky

    Your Exam Supervisors

    Annoying. Really, really, annoying.
  16. starrysky

    thoughts on 2 units adavnced

    As many people will inevitably say (yes, I am a hypocrite) - concentrate your energies on the next exam. :) It'll all fall into place nicely, don't worry about it. ^____^ Yes. I am a hypocrite. I found the second half of the paper to be difficult - got through some questions alright, struggled...
  17. starrysky

    No more maths. :D

    Never have to touch HSC Mathematics ever again. EVER. (Y)
  18. starrysky

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    I ... wrote nothing. :o Stupid exponential growth and decay. (N)
  19. starrysky

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    Same here. Thank God I stayed up all night and did past papers ... I attempted every question, but lost a fair bit of marks due to idiocy/actualheaddesking/notcaring, even though I only have ten units. Shit. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be - I built it up so that I'd think even...
  20. starrysky

    Module C - Powerplay

    I did Antony and Cleopatra as well, plus the 1998 film Elizabeth for my related text. I thought the question was eerily easy, and I was just able to finish my conclusion right before they said pens down. I never liked powerplay - so I was surprised when I saw this question. I bet they all had...