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  1. starrysky

    Does anyone else not want to do this exam?

    Um DUH, honey. Spec. Fic. SUCKS ARSE. Majorly so. I loathe it with a passion. Not even an LotR film study helped me off the apathy. I haven't started yet either. But I have a structure plan for an essay in my head. 100 words for intro and conclusion, 300 for each of the prescribed, 200 each...
  2. starrysky


    3U Eng sucks arse because I'm so apathetic that I don't want to do the exam. But we can pass! :D ... eh. Yeah, true @ the HP5 thing, but there's the emo crap with Harry's wistful breakup with Ginny. Oh the poor twit. *shanks him*
  3. starrysky

    So, who's finished?

    I want a Wii. They're so fucking FUN! God I heart them muchly. 18 hours until my 3U exam ... *frantic* "Speculative fiction asks the responder to imagine alternative worlds and -" I'm bored already. :mad1:
  4. starrysky


    YES, somebody got the quote! (L) Watch out for the emo-ness that jumps out again in 6/7. I only liked 7 because it was the slightly dark, emo volume that I was expecting. DON'T watch the movies though. For the love of God, don't. :mad1:
  5. starrysky


    I ... have no idea. O_O XD Okay. I just wasted another hour on forums. My UAI just dropped about 2 points. CONSTANT VIGILANCE! *reads four words on the first page*
  6. starrysky


    We certainly do, chick, we certainly do. ^___^ <3 Must ... study. You know, I keep telling myself this. AND I'M STILL ON HERE. =.= Eeep. Okay! *opens book* *stares at it*
  7. starrysky

    So, who's finished?

    ANIME'S. RIGHT NOW, JESS. RIGHT NOW. XD Gljklkjkghkajg. This time tomorrow I'll be ... bored. O_O
  8. starrysky


    NAFJFkfhfafkjfhfkjfhk. Same. Wait, I need to edit my signature. *clicks around* 20th December. *twitch* *twitch* Although, if I don't stress in the exam tomorrow, it might be 63+. YAY! =.=" God, now I wish I'd studied this year ...
  9. starrysky


    Hahaha XD Hunggggg. Dude ... um, how about NO. Lol. Just ... sleeping, actually. Bah. Will be online aplenty after Friday, though! :D :D :D *is excited* Wait. Must study EE1. :mad1: *snore*
  10. starrysky


    O_O I've been elevated to 62+. :p
  11. starrysky

    How much study are people doing for each exam?

    Each exam, it's varied. I had notes ready for every subject except Bio when the HSC's started. Only two or three hours per subject. I did six hours in the lead-up to Bio, though. =|
  12. starrysky

    How u feel going in to the exam

    I've panicked for Business Studies and Maths. Once I got into the exam room, I was eerily calm, but stayed until the end and by the time I left the exam room my friends and I were all frazzled and crap. Eh. Won't be panicking for EE1 tomorrow, though - I'll just want to get it over with so I...
  13. starrysky

    So, who's finished?

    JESSSSSSSS!!! ^___^ *glomps* I finish tomorrow. *highfives all round*
  14. starrysky


    SAME! Livo ftw. <3 Except for the Downs Syndrome thing. Ahah, honestly. I just study at home. Locking myself in my room and headdesking repeatedly does equal studying, yes.
  15. starrysky

    What are you expecting to get as your RAW mark?!

    At most, by the looks of things, no more than 65/120. :)
  16. starrysky


    Lol I lost quite a few from MC too. I'm predicting no more than 80 or 85 at this stage; I can see where I'd lose marks.
  17. starrysky

    How important is Context in this module?

    Same here; I'm doing speculative. Context is important because it shapes the nature of the text, which is probably why my teacher goes "research into the times in which the composers lived so you have a more thorough understanding of context". Context is 478628476284 times easier to link to...
  18. starrysky

    Does anyone else not want to do this exam?

    You're not the only one. It counts for me, but that doesn't stop the apathy. Probably because I was on such a high after my Bio exam. EE1's never been significant to me - I just bullshit my way through it with cramming of quotes and technique the night before, and that's it. It just doesn't...
  19. starrysky

    Exam Thoughts

    LOL. I ended up writing to the margins of the page and then over and around the page number at the bottom and it was all just last-minute illegible crap because I left that 8-marker 'til last (+ the DNA replication one, I forgot that one right up 'til the end, then remembered it in some...
  20. starrysky

    Options: Communication

    That's what I wrote too. Observations compared with existing secondary sources to extend the reliability of the information from the dissection. I bullshitted part a) and just said observations of the lobes firstly without dissecting it, then slicing it once longitudinally or something into the...