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  1. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    You so just reminded me of that annoying Ashlee Simpson song. "YOU MAKE ME WANNA LA LA, IN THE KITCHEN ON THE FLOOR."
  2. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    Level of Sanity: 50%.
  3. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    I'm going to sit there for five minutes (or more, depending on how shell-shocked I am either way) and just let it soak in. Then I'll wake my father up in an obscenely un-courteous manner, and show him. And then I'll crawl into bed for a while. Or go out with friends for drinks. At an early hour...
  4. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    NO. Don't give in. Get a Wii. But the only reason you should get a Wii is to stay fit. YUS. Am totally excited right now. Will be extremely succinct and excel at journalism degree, because I'm made of awesome. Two hours left until said excellence will not be possible...
  5. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    Quietly going insane at the moment. By 5:30 I suspect I'll have exhausted all tea supplies in this house. After which I'll steadily start inwardly screaming. Two and a half hours. Shoot me now. ARE WE PSYCHED?! No. Not really, no.
  6. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    <3! JOURNALISMJOURNALISMJOURNALISM. I was going to try for Sydney. But the cut-off was an absurd 98.5 or something of that ludicrously horrifying nature. And UNSW doesn't offer journalism as a major thing. So my Arts (Media & Communications) option went flying out the window like duck poo...
  7. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    Alright, I'm back for a while. Or, until I fall asleep at the computer and randomly mash the keyboard. I need a 70 for journalism at UWS, or 80 for it at MQ. And now that I typed that, I'm suddenly feeling a crapload more awake than I was two minutes ago. EDIT: @JustinR1989 ... Seconded...
  8. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    Yeah, same. These cups of tea haven't helped and I can't be bothered staying awake. Will now proceed to pass out while watching Friends episodes. See you all in 3.5 hours for the home stretch.
  9. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    I'll read the results. And tell nobody. Then, will go out with friends and get knackered at a boring time of the morning. Come stumbling back home, crawl into bed, sleep for a few hours, and get up. Will show father the website when I feel good enough to exhibit the disappointment. Tea, anyone?
  10. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    My face: :mad1: :( My mind: ... :mad1: :(
  11. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    4 hours 20 minutes by my clock. I need tea, chocolate, and a movie. Whoooooo.
  12. starrysky


    QFT, chap. (Y)
  13. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    YAY! :) (L) English Extension 2 & 1. Only decent subjects out of the combo. Lol. Oh, and Biology, but only because I dissected the cow's eye and it looked like a bloody mangled penis when turned inside out. 4 hours, 35 minutes. Bah.
  14. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    All-nighter here, too. I plan to get mag right after I find out my results. Gives me an excuse to get out of the house, even though getting drunk at 7 AM is nothing compared to getting drunk at midnight. Damn, now I want alcohol. 5 hours, people. 5 hours. I'mma need tea. (Y)
  15. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    TANZIN. You totally gotta be awake at 5:30 AM tomorrow so we can both be awesomely anxious. Less than 12 hours. Actually ... 8 hours 15 minutes. CHRIST!
  16. starrysky


    LOL. No. That totally gave me the lulz.
  17. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    Gabe and I will pool our apathy, Jess, and peg it at you like a blob of slime. For yes, we're cool that way. I got the tiniest flutter of nerves today, thinking that in eight or nine days, I could either be drinking in complete and utter joy, or drinking to drown out the notion of no university...
  18. starrysky

    the HSC is not your life!!!

    Hung. Shut up. Srsly. Bet you owned the HSC. >90. Me, on the other hand ... I'm just hoping to get at least a 60 UAI, and at least a Band E3 in EngExt1/EngExt2 to qualify for UWS's bonus scheme so I can get into journalism.
  19. starrysky

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    JESS. Haven't talked to you since ... well, since ages, and that's almost as sinful as sex. -glomp- WEEEE. Eight days. Now I'm just going to revert to complete apathy.