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  1. starrysky

    English is a waste of life.

    Re: Anyone else hate English as much as me? Likewise. I loved EE1 & EE2, but loathed Advanced. And exams don't exactly have room for lee-way, either, considering you have to write three essays in two hours for Paper 2.
  2. starrysky

    Lectures & Tutorials

    No. You only register for one lecture and one tutorial per week for each subject that you do.
  3. starrysky

    What books + 1st year tips?

    You should get them at your first lecture for that subject.
  4. starrysky

    Lectures & Tutorials

    Yeah, heh. They're actually three consecutive lectures (the one for my Psychology unit is two hours) in the same theatre, but now I'm thinking of spreading everything over Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, since I have a lecture for my elective unit on Wednesday too. But thanks for the advice. Much...
  5. starrysky

    Lectures & Tutorials

    Lifesaver! Thanks. :)
  6. starrysky

    Couple of Questions, Urgent

    I thought that, for Bachelor of Arts, you could only choose Level 100 elective units from within the Arts field itself, and not other faculties?
  7. starrysky

    15 units for prelimary course

    As a person who did 16 units for their Preliminary year (both Extensions, Biology, Hospitality, Business Studies, French Continuers by Distance Education, and Photography), I advise you, unless you find the subject easy and have been able to cope with the workload for the past year, drop it. I...
  8. starrysky

    Can't select units

    There should also be an Academic Orientation day for your specific course/field, so there's also that opportunity to get acquainted with the workings of your degree and ask any questions.
  9. starrysky

    Can't select units

    Is it giving you an error along the lines of going back to fill in mandatory steps or something? If so, go back and check all your steps through thoroughly; you may have missed something by mistake. I had the same problem a week or so ago, and was combing through my steps when I realised I'd...
  10. starrysky

    Lectures & Tutorials

    Ah ok, thanks guys. Tutorials usually go over material from the previous week though, right?
  11. starrysky

    Lectures & Tutorials

    I'm starting a BA (Psych) this year, and have crammed all my lectures on Thursdays, so is it better to have tutorials scheduled earlier in the week or on Fridays?
  12. starrysky

    Official UWS Student List 2008

    Re: 2008 Uws New Student List !!! Xuan. B Arts (Psychology) @ Bankstown.
  13. starrysky

    how much work on their major works are people doing in the holidays?

    Don't be of the mentality that if you don't work these holidays, you're absolutely fucking screwed. 95% of the time, that isn't true. I had my first idea stretch through my entire summer holidays of 2006 - 2007, wrote nothing during that break, then had another change of idea in mid-February...
  14. starrysky

    B arts people!

    I haven't chosen mine, but I'm considering taking a language (damnit, why the fuck don't they offer French?!) even though the tuts are three hours long. Erhhh. According to the Word document I downloaded off the site, there's a limited range of electives, and they all seem a bit ... meh?
  15. starrysky

    Hey Guys Urgent Regarding Journal!!!

    Tip, though - keep the pile of crap organised nonetheless, and stuff as much as possible into it in at least a semi-categorised fashion in case the markers decide to resort to actually opening your Journal (focus will actually be on your Reflection Statement and Major Work, they only really look...
  16. starrysky

    B Psych anyone ?

    Tutorial Rego - ^ Not sure if you've seen that, but it clarifies a lot either way. According to the self-enrolment guidelines, it says you're "expected" to enrol for an entire Academic Year - so Autumn and Spring sessions. But call them just in...
  17. starrysky

    orientation + enrolling

    Whoa now - not all of them. Don't forget that you have a while to enrol - and there are mandatory Academic Advisory sessions for pretty much all the courses, so if you can, attend one of those for your degree, maybe the people there can help you decide. P.S. On the subject of Advisory sessions...
  18. starrysky

    B arts people!

    I'm doing a B Arts (Psych), but I'm at Bankstown, not at Penrith.