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  1. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    I am not kaffir, i havent broken a single so called 'rule', except i pray once a day instead of 5 times. How the fuck does that make me a kaffir? And Lol at being called one, from a person that has never read the quran. answer the question, do you agree that all religions are so called...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Just like judaism and christianity.. whats ur point? So let us finally get something straight. You are against ALL religions? INCLUDING JUDAISM? If you arent, you are by far, the greatest hypocrit i have ever met in my entire fucking life.
  3. S

    a romance book pls?

    Classic and heavy ones theres are Excellent! imo light ones arent that great. i wouldnt really classify gone with the wind as heavy, but its a great book. A pretty heavy classic is Wuthering Heights, fucking brilliant, would really recommend it, if u havent already read it. And its only 240...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    I never said they were religious, im just saying they;ve clearly given you a wrong understanding of the religion, clearly evident in the fact you believe the hadith is considered holy...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    OH MAH GAWD. uleh this shit is CRAAAZY. no lol, 5th of november.. i was studying like ape shit for my HSC. i dont think i left my room during november or october, or turned on my computer because this site is a hsc destroyer.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

  7. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    I know who you are, but how did you know that im palestinian?
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Sorry, no offence, but crazy parents like urs then, if thats how you were raised. Look if u dont like what ur parents have done, just tell them to fuck off and leave no offence, theyve obviously given you a WRONGG understanding of islam because of their narrow mindedness. I am quite...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Oi, woman, how you know im falestini yo?
  10. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Soooo true. Well said. Thats what ive been saying, islam in no way advocates this barbaric rubbish, and forcing your fucking 10 year old daughter to marry some old cunt. Islam is against it!!, Read the quran, it is completely against this shit. Just dumb cunt people who decide to distort, what...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    I agree with that, 100 percent actually lol :D
  12. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Thats why in islam, only the quran is to be followed, not some book written by COUNTLESS people. It just loses its authenticity.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    OOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, jeee, haha u got banned lols pwnedd
  14. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Yeah, i dont follow the hadith in any shape of form, its not the word of 'god', but the word of people who wrote it :S. The whole point in islam, which prides it self in being different than other religions is that it believes that it is the only religion where its books which are followed are...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    LOL, thats soo cuute :) and funny, men wehn enti ya marrah? enti phalestiniye?
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Lol, so funny seeing arabic written in english :) for some reason.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    LOLLLLLL, so hard lol, thats so cuuuuuuute!!!, thats what my mum says awww :)
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Shuuuu? what do you mean take it easy? ayri juicy yo! lol pwnedd
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Are you a chick? i thought u were a dude? wattah is happenin to meh?
  20. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Who the fuck is houdini? What the fuck dawg.