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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    M8, i know m8
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    A 1997 briefing paper to the NSW Parliament (paper 21/97, "The age of consent", by Rachel Simpson and Honor Figgis) mentions. "A statutory age of consent to sexual intercourse for the purposes of the criminal law in the United Kingdom can be found as early as 1275. It was originally 12, was...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    no im not taking a piss. And to have to rely on your parents, may bring financial success, but it....... it aint good, again some logic may be able to shed some light onto this situation of yours :)
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    The surah says, its a minimum age, which, for the hundredth time in which i have repeated this, it was fine to do so in the year.. what? 400? i just showed a link which showed the english law in 1275 or rather, (in england) allowing marriage to woman at the age between 10-12.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Look, if you really did, then congratulations? its good to see you are successful.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    I have, you obviously havent read my posts then. And if you have to result to personally attacking my religion, then i lol, because that means you cant use some logic to use your intellect to prove me wrong, unlike some others which actually are on this forum.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Ok, i do get what you're saying. But the lack of changes in the islamic religion, gives it its authenticity, it gives its followers the belief, that unlike some other religions, that have given in to external forces, those you speak of, of being labelled as a lunatic or barbaric, it remains...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Roth, im not personally attacking you, dont take it wrong way :S
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Thats why your an engineer. A person with 99 UAI, DOES NOT enter a course which only needs 70. Logic, please Rothbard
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Im not denying, ive already acknowledged it does, but it occurs in Israel (a jewish state) mainly ultra orthodox families, and all over the world with strict christians.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Nothing, do you know why? It is a country filled with disgusting fucking apes, that dont know how to interperate the quran, if it was read to them repeatedly for a century. They are stuck in the 4th century, because they choose to be, not because of the religion. Their country is 10th century...
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Thiery henry is a good example, im not going to become a soccer player
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Are you fucking retarded, have you even been reading the past posts? Read them, then come back, im tired of repeating myself to retards who post towards me, and dont even read my posts.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Maybe in your family.... Lol Same can be said about strict christian and jewish families Whats your point?
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Ok.. it says muhammed is a good example. Yes he is? where does it say he is to be idolized or worshiped, which is what i have clearly stated doesnt say. You just linked me some links, which say he is a good example, Thiery henry is a good example, im not going to become a soccer player.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Who said every muslim, correctly follows the path of the religion? Just link christians in australia, how many of them waited till marriage to fuck? About 1 percent.
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Oh shit wait, im a guy lol, sorry yo1anda :( Yes, you are correct, finally someone who can use some fucking logic. Now, who's fault is that yo1anda? I agree with you, it is fucking digusting!! No woman should have to go through that horrible shit. But, no where in our religion does it say...
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    haha thanks for rep, i repped u, but sorry if its neutral, its intended as pos :)

    haha thanks for rep, i repped u, but sorry if its neutral, its intended as pos :)
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    In a person, who doesnt have the common sense or logic, to realise that ethics, times and society do change, couldnt realise the difference between those two identities. A 1997 briefing paper to the NSW Parliament (paper 21/97, "The age of consent", by Rachel Simpson and Honor Figgis)...