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  1. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    See you have a good sense of humour! Why cant you just be like that, and not give this retarded false shit, which you arrogantly believe because of a painful past. Get over, and be like that, then you will get alot of men that wanna put their pee pee in you, because they actually like you.
  2. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    yeah ur right im sorry, you just annoy me with ur bullshit posts yo1anda, if they were remotely true! i wouldnt mind, but they are just as true, as an islamic barmitzvah! YEAH AH MAH GAWD PWNEDDDDDDDDDDDDD. yeah man
  3. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    LOL. haha you funny yo
  4. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    No she fucking isnt, she's fucking disgusting and ape looking, id bang her sister though, but its haram :(, i gotto marry her first, and with parents like urs yo1anda, and an ape shit retarded sister like you, my islamic circimsized cock is going else where BIATCH. yah man pwnedddd
  5. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    I dont hate her, i just think she is an ugly dumb fucked bitch, which does annoy me. You can say what ever the fuck you want about a religion, thats your problem not mine, but atleast use some truth to diss out a religion, not some BULLSHIT1 youve coppied from some bullshit website. Annoying...
  6. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    To revert,means you were once before, you dum fucked monkey
  7. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Fuck off, please dont, we dont need a cunt rash like you becoming one.
  8. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    NO, thank god.. no offence btw.
  9. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Oh, that explains ALOT yo1anda, you lieing biatch, that aint nice yo liar mutha fucka.
  10. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Yay, you just rely on enternetz quran quotes and translations, so nice. I've found countless sites by anti jewish sites that says beasitiliaty is advocated in judaism, and countless israeli sites, saying how beastiality is advocated in islam. How about you sit the fuck down you little slut, get...
  11. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Lol hahaha :)
  12. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    What the fuck? You're Iraqi? What the fuck are you on about, you ape?
  13. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Dont laugh at scientists!!! They smart
  14. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    If you hate all religion, then you hate jews. But why are you in the social groups of such strong support of jews?
  15. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    HAHAAH, your a bisexual, over fucked ugly moronic ape, who gets beaten by her cunt faced retarded parents for not marrying your cousins. And you blame islam... How about you blame yourself and your fucked up family.
  16. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    It usually means you are fucking becoming retarded. Religion the same, Society changed. ok? How about you get a sausage and ram up you arse? LOL pwnedddd chyeaaah boi, WHERES BOS NEGRO? he fuckin banned, fucking bos cunt mods. GO AUSTRALIA, YOU BETTER FUCKING WIN TONIGHT OR IM GUNNO PUNCH...
  17. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    You said muhammed is a pedo for marrying a young woman 800 years before the dark ages. you seem to think the normal age for woman was for ever atleast 22 (which is today). just proven its changed HEAPS!! and hence was socially fine all over the world, what muhammed did
  18. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Can someone tell me, how my life as a muslim is barbaric? -Single parent(mother) -Mum teaches me islam, only tiny bit of arabic, want me to fight into australia so only concentrate on me learning english. -Grow up, not praying at all, not fasting. Have NO muslim friends, only aussies and 2...
  19. S

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    IT hasen't. The minimum age of for marriage remains at puberty? Religion remains the same, its what society changes. The people change, not the religion.