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  1. Shrikar

    Molar heat of combustion vs. Molecular weight.

    High five indeed.
  2. Shrikar

    Molar heat of combustion vs. Molecular weight.

    Was joining the dots what you meant by line of best fit? If not then yeiks. I think I put down 1320 KJ /mol for 1 - propanol
  3. Shrikar


    Yeah, same. Is it right to say Cobalt - 60 because it has a half life of 5.3 years is good to use in industry because it doesn't have to be replaced as often? It didn't seem right to me when i was writing it.
  4. Shrikar


    Well, there you go.
  5. Shrikar

    Ester's Question

    Shit, i wrote "H2O"
  6. Shrikar


    Ah, I think it was a 2 marker, so I think you would if you didn't. But yeah, i put in the states as well. Are you talking about me? If so I hope to see you next year too.
  7. Shrikar

    Answers To Difficult Questions

    Wasn't the anwer for Question 14 C?
  8. Shrikar


    That's what I had. I think the equation of solution one and solution two was 2HCL + Na2CO3 --> 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
  9. Shrikar

    General Thoughts - Chemistry

    Re: Exam Thoughts It was alright. I realised that I made lots of silly mistakes :mad1: . Oh well.
  10. Shrikar

    Module B - King Lear

    Re: King Lear Module B - Bias towards the familial reading Finally someone who thought it wasn't easy. I am with you here.
  11. Shrikar

    Section 1

    I think it was about how journeys can expand your horizons, and something about not appreciating the country until you have explored it completely and writing a book. P.S. I have no idea what this guy was on. I think text two was about her imaginative journey to go and live in the same...
  12. Shrikar

    the exam was fubar

    For the contrasting question for text 2, did anyone contrast her liking for the country life (like living in a small town) as opposed to her dislike for cities, or her contrasting views on how she makes friends?
  13. Shrikar

    Anyone thinks they have killed the test

    Section 1 - text 3 Yeiks. :bomb: Section 2 - was a bit iffy, don't know if my story worked Section 3 - Detours? Ah shit
  14. Shrikar

    Section 3

    Me too!!
  15. Shrikar

    Section 3

    Don't worry, I am in the same boat.
  16. Shrikar

    Physical Journey: Unexpected Detours

    True. People who did Skrzynecki were screwed over, cause the only good stimulus text was Robert Frost's one. And it isn't really a good idea to use three poems for the essay. I ended up using Ivory Trail, and boy did I make up some shit.
  17. Shrikar

    And it's on. Are you ready?

    I feel the same way.
  18. Shrikar

    staying motivated?

    No , that's exactly right. After you have graduated you feel like its all over, then you realise that you still have the HSC left. Yeah I agree the Syllabuses are too freaking big.
  19. Shrikar

    staying motivated?

    Lol, exactly the same with me :( I am currently sitting here wondering how fast 4 hours went by and I only did a few questions. :( Ah geez, yeah I agree going through the trials was hard enough, now its the real thing. Bah, so much to do, so very little time. I wish I didn't waste all of...