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  1. Shrikar

    how much study are you doing a day?

    lol, i seriously doubt that.
  2. Shrikar

    how much study are you doing a day?

    Why'd you need the net fixed to do maths? lol.
  3. Shrikar

    how much study are you doing a day?

    Lol, what a coincidence, i wanted to do some maths today as well. So far I have just been stuck on Youtube watching the makers of "Loose Change" debate their documentary about 9/11 against "officials". Its so interesting, and the "officials" don't really back up much of what they say with solid...
  4. Shrikar

    how much study are you doing a day?

    I managed to get 3-4 hours done so far, hoping to get in another hour before dinner. Not a bad effort, i can already see an improvement in my understanding of important concepts. EDIT: Now thats determination, good effort.
  5. Shrikar

    How screwed are you?

    Oh nice. I hope you get in. What course is it by the way?
  6. Shrikar

    how much study are you doing a day?

    Thats what i told him, when he gave me the same response. Anyway, i managed to finally get some study done. 5-6 hours. Hoping to continue it throughout the holidays
  7. Shrikar

    How many subjects to study a day?

    Yeah, I am doing about two subjects a day. I am trying to go for atleast 5-6 hours. If I do then it'll be the most amount of work I have done this whole year.
  8. Shrikar

    Missed UAC cutoffs?

    I put off applying for scholarships for far too long, cause they take forever to fill out. :mad1: Eventually I couldn't really be stuffed cause I had missed the last date, because the post wasn't open when i went to put it in. Fucking post office.
  9. Shrikar

    I can't study

    lol, i can't be bothered changing it, and besides, my UMAT results were so flash. So bye bye med.
  10. Shrikar

    I can't study

    Don't worry Tanjin I haven't done anything since the end of the trials. And when i say anything I mean i haven't even touched a book, let alone studied. Don't know if its motivational issues or just because I am a lazy bastard....I think i more of a lazy bastard :) . Oh well, hope you end up...
  11. Shrikar

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    I haven't done any study since the end of the trials which was around the 31st of August. Briliant position I am in.
  12. Shrikar

    muck up day

    Yeah, its the same deal at our school. Except our theme was "Superheroes"
  13. Shrikar

    It's officialy four weeks 'til the HSC exams!

    I think i am going to do shit in maths extension 1, english, physics, chemistry, legal studies and mathematics, but other than that I should be fine.
  14. Shrikar

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    Re: What does your study area look like? Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to my room!! Here is what it looks like on a day where i actually feel like tidying up, but it usually looks like as if King Lear's rowdy knights had come and trashed it....WTF? Screw you English, look what you have done...