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  1. Shrikar

    medicine [mbbs]

    Whoa, i bet you have improved heaps. Yeah you are right, once its past 7.45 pm 25 July, the papers are no longer accessible to you. And you have to register with MedEntry again, next year.
  2. Shrikar

    medicine [mbbs]

    Your average raw score for doing 6 practice papers was 210? Did you use the percentages you got or the percentiles? If you are using percentages, would this really be a good supliment for the percentiles.
  3. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    I presume you went to MedEntry?
  4. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Brilliant, you really put it in a way that comforting don't you?
  5. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Hey, good luck to you too. Does anybody know if there are breaks in between sections? Probably not...
  6. Shrikar

    Have you been studying these school holidays???

    Strangely that motivates me, or in some way makes me feel better, because i know that others have gone through the same thing. Cheers Pari.
  7. Shrikar

    Trials: When are they? Are you ready? How were they? (merged)

    Re: Are you ready for the trials? Am i ready for the trials? Short answer, No. However there are still a few days left, if i make the most out of those days then i might have a chance. Wish me luck.
  8. Shrikar

    Have you been studying these school holidays???

    Holy crap, now why am i not that motivated? This is bull, seriously i do nothing everyday except waste valuble time watching movies and videos, promising myself that i wouild study later, and the next thing you know it, its already 5.00 pm. I wish i was more motivated, why doesn't the sound of...
  9. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Mine too, this is bullshit.
  10. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Lol, now i am getting nervous.
  11. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Shit, mines at Hickson Road too.
  12. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    You got 14 days to be ready for UMAT.
  13. Shrikar

    What Kind of marks are you guys receiving from the MedEntry practice papers?

    Hahaha, thanks so much for that man. That made me feel so much better, i hope and pray that i'll be seeing you at UNSW. Oh and by the way what did you mean by "a score of 96 was acheived by me at the actual UMAT", don't you need like at least 170 score, and a 230 percentile to get into med?
  14. Shrikar

    What Kind of marks are you guys receiving from the MedEntry practice papers?

    I did that one, and i got 25/36 but i only got a 24 percentile. WTF?
  15. Shrikar

    medicine [mbbs]

    Holy Moley, so you haven't even done one practice paper?
  16. Shrikar

    What Kind of marks are you guys receiving from the MedEntry practice papers?

    Holy shit, thats so good. You went 50 minutes over time? Holy moley.
  17. Shrikar

    medicine [mbbs]

    Me too. What kind of marks/percentiles have you been receiving? I am sure it can't be that bad.