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  1. Shrikar

    The "CANT STOP BLUDGING" topic

    Dude you have pretty much summed my day, everyday since the beginning of this year. Kinda of pathetic that we do that eh? Fcuking procrastination.
  2. Shrikar

    Trials: When are they? Are you ready? How were they? (merged)

    OMFG, i am in the same position as you, i have lost all motivation in like a week, and i spent most of today playing Dawn of War: Dark Crusade :mad1: . I wish i get back that motivation soon otherwise i am so screwed.
  3. Shrikar

    Who`s spplying for scholarships & where ?

    I am applying for an "Academic Excellence Award" Scholarship at UWS, which, combined with my acceptance of the UWS MBBS program will make me a very happy man.
  4. Shrikar

    How was your school day?

    I looked at a past legal studies paper, and i can honestly say that if that was my paper, i would sure as hell fail. :bomb:
  5. Shrikar

    Repeat year 12 again?.....

    Ditto, though i admit my performance this year has been shocking especially in maths, :mad1: , i was thinking of repeating but now, i really don't want to go through the HSC again. Just live with what i get.
  6. Shrikar

    How did you UMAT-ers find it today?

    Yes!!! Freaking pick the middle is so going to screw me over. And section 1 was a bitch. I seriously can't remember is the passages in Section 2 were long, but it was alright. I think i might have gotten it, but it took a while, did anyone else pick "There wasn't enough information" for the...
  7. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Dont' worry, i hate section 1 with a passion, if i get over 25/44 then i am happy.
  8. Shrikar

    How was your school day?

    *Gives hug to zangetsu.xo*. I got owned in my maths test today. Now i need a hug.
  9. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Just the inconvenience.
  10. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    No way, thats one day before UMAT!!!
  11. Shrikar

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Hey, yeah i am there. What's your name, i might just stumble into you. My name is Shrikar.
  12. Shrikar

    What Kind of marks are you guys receiving from the MedEntry practice papers?

    Nice work, nope, the trial exam was actually much harder than the MedEntry practice exams. For some reason i got higher percentiles in the trials then i did on the MedEntry practice papers :mad1:
  13. Shrikar

    How was your school day?

    Apparently today was the coldest day in 21 years!!!! That's pretty damn cold.
  14. Shrikar

    Have you been studying these school holidays???

    It feels like i am talking to myself, same thing is happening with me.
  15. Shrikar

    What Kind of marks are you guys receiving from the MedEntry practice papers?

    I talked to the lady at MedEntry and she said that the practice exams were about the same if not sometimes easier than the actual UMAT. Well here's a conflict of opinion. I'll just have to see how it goes, and make my own judgement about it.
  16. Shrikar

    is this year depressing you?

    Yeah, talking to friends who aren't doing the HSC works for me, takes my mind off the damn thing.
  17. Shrikar

    medicine [mbbs]

    Hmmm, long time.
  18. Shrikar

    medicine [mbbs]

    You seem very motivated to get into medicine. I like that.
  19. Shrikar

    What Kind of marks are you guys receiving from the MedEntry practice papers?

    Not bad at all, especially cause it was the trial exam. What were your percentiles by the way, cause they are more important than your raw scores.
  20. Shrikar

    medicine [mbbs]

    Thought so, thanks PLuvia.