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  1. Shrikar

    How was your school day?

    Nice, i usually wake up at 7.00 and watch videos on either meta cafe or youtube. :)
  2. Shrikar

    The "CANT STOP BLUDGING" topic

    So how many people still find that they are still bludging, even with the HSC on our doorstep?
  3. Shrikar

    Trials Results

    That's not very nice.
  4. Shrikar

    Trials Results

    Congratulations to everyone, on their amazing trial results. Just one more step to go, the HSC!! :bomb:
  5. Shrikar

    How was your school day?

    And what a prac it was, we were looking at salt crystals under a microscope that formed on top of different materials i.e. wood, cloth and leather,which were soaked in saline solution. Pretty shapes and colours
  6. Shrikar


    Hmm, yeah I have seen it around too, I don't know, seems like a waste of time to me, i don't think there is anything they are going to say that you teachers haven't already.
  7. Shrikar


    Thats pretty ownage
  8. Shrikar

    Students wasting their time (and others)

    Yeah, i am a bit concerned about my physics and especially my legal studies class, there are kids that just don't care or don't bother trying.
  9. Shrikar

    Inspirational Quotes/Movies

    Re: Anyone got any Inspirational Quotes? ^^ Some of those are pretty good.
  10. Shrikar

    Trials over - Keeping up with the study?

    Join the club... Its nice to know its not just me
  11. Shrikar

    Leadership skills

    Oh don't worry, you should be fine, I am sure there are plenty of other things that concern leadership involvement, you just can't remember.
  12. Shrikar

    Leadership skills

    Yay, i have my own style. Awesome!!!
  13. Shrikar

    Leadership skills

    Firstly McGee and Untitled stop fighting. These are the activities i have engaged in that concern leadership: Peer tutoring Leader of the our schools team at the Great Engineering Challenge 3 years in a row Undertook the Leadership course Lead a BBQ team which raises money to...
  14. Shrikar

    Is the pressure kicking in yet?

    Don't worry it'll all be over soon.
  15. Shrikar

    Is the pressure kicking in yet?

    Sorry Chocolate_Lover :wave:
  16. Shrikar

    Trials Results

    I'd you say you are doing great!! How many students are in each class?
  17. Shrikar

    Is the pressure kicking in yet?

    Time to resurrect an old thread, so as the thread name suggests, "Is the pressure kicking in yet?" For me definitely, but stupidly i am doing nothing about it.
  18. Shrikar

    Trials Results

    OMFG you people own! Nice work Andrew007
  19. Shrikar

    Trials Results

    good work
  20. Shrikar

    Burnt out??

    "End story" Sorry i was just trying to keep the trend going.