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  1. F

    Co-op interviews!

    yeh i got an interview for actuarial as well from what i hear they have like 6 or 7 groups of 10 ppl to be interviewed and give out about 2 scholarships to each group (thats for actuarial anyways)
  2. F

    multipule choice answers

    Q5 is definitely D because: 1.) you need to filter the water first to get rid of suspended solids (you only want to measure dissolved solids) 2.) you then need to evaporate the water, leaving behind the dissolved solids Q13 is D because: 1.) metal Z is not displaced by metal X, and is...
  3. F

    multipule choice answers

    i got exactly the same as the original list
  4. F

    Naturally occuring bases?

    Ca(OH)2 - calcium hydroxide, is found naturally in lime
  5. F


    whats the go with significant figures? are u supposed to round off all calculations to the correct amount of significant figures or should u only do it at the very end? different trial papers do different things and im just wondering what they want for hsc
  6. F

    got to ask...

    2U: 290 girls, 170 guys and 460 in total 3U: 65 girls, 49 guys and 114 in total
  7. F


    the angle formed isnt 90...its not a rectangular hyperbola
  8. F

    how mani qnz u tink u got right

    i guessed my mark for my trials as 107..ending up getting 108 where is your theory on that one? haha jk :)
  9. F

    Ext 1

    bout as hard as it usually is if your really clever you'll be able to work out some of what is in it e.g. because there was no locus in 4U, chances are there'll be some in 3U thats assuming that there is some coordination between the ppl who write 3U and the ppl who write 4U (which im sure...
  10. F


    this website has the formula: came in handy today!
  11. F

    Question 8

    i didnt think it was too bad..managed to get it all out they made part b look a lot harder than it actually was
  12. F

    how did u feel

    it was a good exam..i liked it
  13. F

    Question 7

  14. F

    how mani qnz u tink u got right

    im shooting for 110ish
  15. F


    the elegant way to do it was to use the formula for the area enclosed between three points..just apply the formula and thats it, only takes a few lines
  16. F

    Conditional Question

    oops, my bad. yeah your right.
  17. F

    Some challenge questions before Monday :-)

    you forgot this one: P=NP it's a shoe-in for question eight
  18. F

    Conditional Question

    It should be: "Wenn ich geblieben haette, waere ich gluecklicher (gewesen)" note: the last gewesen in brackets is'd only use it if it wasn't going to be clear what you meant from the context (i.e. if it is not said, the sentence could be interpreted at "If i had stayed, i...
  19. F

    I want the hardest 2003 4unit paper

    hmm, so if i got 110+ raw mark for the HSC, would that generally be in the top 10? 20? 100? im just curious...
  20. F

    how many get.....

    okay my post stuffed up, and someone seems to have answered it a few seconds before me so ignore this post