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  1. starrysky

    What do the teachers think of ur year?

    My year has people all across the spectrum; some of us are going to kill the HSC and get 90+ UAI, and some of them won't get above 50. Generally, most of us are average workers, with a few at the stellar end of things, and quite a few MORE at the shitty end. Overall, though, I think we're...
  2. starrysky


    Yeah, I'm doing Gwen Harwood poetry for Module B. It's piss-easy - just the whole severalreadingsperpoemoryouloseashitloadofmarks kind of thing. I'm pretty sure I'm fucked for Powerplay. :) Module C sucks arse, for me at least. *shanks it*
  3. starrysky

    Inner Journey: Unexpected Encounters

    It is worth 15 marks out of the 105 marks of the exam, so that comes to being worth ... 14 and two-sevenths percent of the total exam mark ...
  4. starrysky


    Paper 1 is out of 45, Paper 2 is out of 60. So whatever mark you get for the exam is out of 105. Then divide that total mark by 105, and then multiply that by 100. The end result from this is your exam mark.
  5. starrysky

    No More Area Of Study Ever!!!!!

    No more My Place. No more The Road Not Taken. No more The Red Tree (as a related text ... by itself, it's an appealing text). No more inner journeys. EVER. FUCK YES, I'm happy! :D :D :D
  6. starrysky


    Paper 2 is out of 60 (three modules, 20 marks each). The whole English Paper is out of 105, and then they calculate it down to a percentage out of 100.
  7. starrysky

    Keep Exam?

    You're allowed to take the Question Booklets from the exam room, nothing else. Boo yah. I'm taking all my Exam Papers, so that I can burn them all in a mass bonfire at midday on November 2. So yeah, I took mine. :o
  8. starrysky

    the exam was fubar

    Yeah, I used Texts One & Three for the five-mark question, but only because #3 had journey practically dancing naked in front of you. I was too busy getting over the contrast shit in the second text to look at it again. It was okay, but identify instead of analyse for three marks would've been...
  9. starrysky


    When I actually look back on it, my story didn't really centre around the quote. Fuckity. I just chucked it in as the opening sentence, and then again near the end to reinforce the significance of it (over-analytical much?) ...
  10. starrysky

    the exam was fubar

    Lol @ that notion. I didn't mind the language used in Text Three; it was more of the fact that he went overboard in his recount - a simplified version of the text would've served the exact same purpose. Text One was probably my favourite, then the second, then the third. The only qualm I have...
  11. starrysky

    So...How Are We All Planning On Destroying The Stimulus Booklet?

    My friend introduced the notion of eating it today over the phone, and he fully intends to do it. Stupid twit. I'll let you know when he upchucks. In the meanwhile, I may gather together with my friends and do the usual burning (oh look, I just saw a fire in the movie Troy ... maybe this means...
  12. starrysky

    Anyone thinks they have killed the test

    I had ... let's see. I had six quotes for My Place, three from The Road Not Taken, and two for my related, so all up ... eleven?
  13. starrysky

    Supplementary Material

    For inner, I used Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and The Red Tree by Shaun Tan. Somewhat confident ... somewhat ...
  14. starrysky

    General Thoughts - English Paper 1 2007

    Ditto. *flails hand in the air* That was the text I hated the most. Bleragrh.
  15. starrysky

    section 3???

    Eh. I honestly think I did an average job with it; my teacher's always told me to explore and analyse my three texts in-depth, and then my EE1 teacher went off and became an arse and said have a second related text for back-up, but fuck that. I was in-depth, chap, and I'm happy enough with that...
  16. starrysky

    General Thoughts - English Paper 1 2007

    Section I: Eh. I liked the first text best, it was my kind of text. The third text was mediocre, it shitted me, verily it did. But I got through it without too many hassles ... Section II: I don't think I'll go very well with this; I'm banking on my facility with language and the interpretation...
  17. starrysky

    the 'what would you do differently if you could do your exam again' thread

    I wish I'd had time to write a longer and more substantial creative. It was five pages, but it was fairly sparse, and I don't think it linked to the quote as a central idea very well. Meh.
  18. starrysky

    Section 1 text 3

    I just said that his realisation was that certain mindsets shape the experiences in the journey (there was something about how a linear thought pattern was bad versus a rhythmic mental pattern or some crap), and that diverse exploration is intrinsic to the journey, etc. etc. lolscrewed.
  19. starrysky

    Section 2

    I had an even 40 minutes for this section. I chose the first quote, because the third one would've had me rambling and the second one was a bit too blah. I wrote five pages for it, and used the same story I had for my trial, so it's all good. I was actually happier with Section III, because I...
  20. starrysky

    Section 3

    I did Question 5 for this, and wrote one 8-page booklet plus one page - I spent an even 50 minutes on it, then 30 minutes on comprehension and 40 minutes on my short story for Section II. It was alright. The good thing was that the question was easy to link to, and my essay was easy to...