Search results

  1. starrysky

    UAI Prediction, Anyone?

    Alright. I basically know that I'm screwed for this anyway, but I figured I'd put things out on the board and get some external opinions. I'm doing 10 units (yeah, oh shit! moment) ... I have no idea what my assessment marks are, but I will ask before the emotional debacle that is graduation...
  2. starrysky

    It's officialy four weeks 'til the HSC exams!

    External appearance: Calm. Indifference. Perhaps a little twitchy in the eye area. Internal thought pattern: PANICKING. Exams on consecutive days does not make for a happy Xuannie. I'm going to bomb in Business Studies and Mathematics ...
  3. starrysky

    The Idiot’s Guide to studying just prior to, and during the HSC exams

    ^^^ Get some past paper books. If you're doing Biology, it's probably the most straightforward. Keep your notes as they are, then do a past paper or two, in time constraints and exam conditions. Then check the answers - and compare them to your notes. Generally, it's a lot of memorisation, so...
  4. starrysky

    The Idiot’s Guide to studying just prior to, and during the HSC exams

    ^^^ Get some past paper books. If you're doing Biology, it's probably the most straightforward. Keep your notes as they are, then do a past paper or two, in time constraints and exam conditions. Then check the answers - and compare them to your notes. Generally, it's a lot of memorisation, so...
  5. starrysky

    The Idiot’s Guide to studying just prior to, and during the HSC exams

    ^^^ Get some past paper books. If you're doing Biology, it's probably the most straightforward. Keep your notes as they are, then do a past paper or two, in time constraints and exam conditions. Then check the answers - and compare them to your notes. Generally, it's a lot of memorisation, so...
  6. starrysky

    If you want to get 80+ UAI and s

    @moshimoro: Trust me, Advanced is one of my worst subjects. Extension 1 and Extension 2 are infinitely more enjoyable, and much less work. Which level are you doing? And I'd say stick with Physics, but I suck at opinions. My Biology teacher says it's better to keep a science under your belt, as...
  7. starrysky

    Welcome Class of 2007

    I pity the HSC students next year. They'll get a shitload more Shakespeare than we got. I just did Antony & Cleopatra this year for Module B in Advanced. NEVER AGAIN. EVER. Cleopatra was a dirty, dirty queen. Dirty. Four weeks-ish until the HSC. WHO'S EXCITED?! Definitely not me.
  8. starrysky


    I graduate on 25 September. *parties* My graduation will be a tacky, hastily organised assembly in the middle of Year 11 exams, so I shall be crying just before I see all my Prelim friends and hug and suchlike and they'll sit their second English paper. Bwahaha. ... Moh. I can't bloody...
  9. starrysky

    If you want to get 80+ UAI and s

    ^^^ Shouldn't your HSC be 2008, then, not 2009? But anyway. 3U and 4U Math scale REALLY well if you do well at them. I don't do them personally, but I'm estimating that if you get around the high bands in both, and perform consistently throughout the year in not only those classes but all your...
  10. starrysky

    English Question - How to Answer?!1!!

    Considering that the first question refers to Shakespeare's Othello, I think it's safe to disregard that one in favour of the second. :p Although if you were exceptionally keen about it, you could exchange Othello for The Crucible and have the first question as a practice response so that in the...
  11. starrysky

    COURSE REQUIREMENT: Studying 5 prescribed texts...

    Shakespeare - Antony & Cleopatra Prose - Emma Film - Clueless Poetry - Gwen Harwood Nonfiction - My Place (AoS Prescribed Text) Boo hiss. It's a very feminine combination. *twitches*
  12. starrysky

    Trials Results

    Hence the spectacular failing mark in Mathematics. :)
  13. starrysky

    what do u wanna be?

    Something in education or media & communications for me.
  14. starrysky

    Exam Vs. Normal handwriting

    Let's see now ... My usual handwriting consists of about five different, fairly legible fonts; one day I refuse to do cursive, the next I refuse to print, the next I fluctuate between the two, and the next I just randomly pick one. My exam handwriting is exaggerated, slanted, and generally...
  15. starrysky

    Education, or Arts (Media & Comm's)?

    UAC application closing date is imminent (altogether now - *screams*), so I'm narrowing down my preferences. I'm going exclusively into Arts & Humanities because I suck at everything else, and I hate everything else. :) With that said, my two choices are secondary education (French or English)...
  16. starrysky

    another 'should i do the subject?'

    Yeeeee ... no. Not quite. I have to disagree with you. But this depends on how your school goes about teaching the subjects. Some schools have very in-depth lessons where the teacher is involved directly in research that's conducted, and where almost everything is done in-school. At the other...
  17. starrysky

    Y12 Next Year- Tips for English (adv)

    I'd be lying through my teeth if I told you that I've been studying for Advanced every night for the past twelve months. Ideally, the senior independent study (a la regurgitated advice from the typical school diary) time at home is 2.5 hours or more, so I'd say if you're committed to doing...
  18. starrysky

    Trials Results

    English Extension 1 - 78% 38/50 just sounds so much better. English Advanced - 41% Oh yeah, I'm so proud of this. Mathematics - 27.5% Yeah, this too. =] Biology - 59% Heading on the path of screwdom. Business Studies - 36% Hear that sound? It's my soul deflating ... SO...
  19. starrysky

    BOS Showcase: 2007 Major Works

    Oooh, good luck for the rest of your Trials, you guys. :) I thought every school would've finished theirs, since the security period ended last Friday, but evidently not. O_O
  20. starrysky

    BOS Showcase: 2007 Major Works

    Could someone please read & comment on mine? I thriveth verily on feedback, good or bad. :)