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  1. starrysky

    Inner Journey: Unexpected Encounters

    ^^ Your reference to Van Gogh (whether intended or not) in your last last sentence made me smile. My texts were average in this circumstance; not stellar. I only scraped three paragraphs out for my prescribed text, and they were filled more with explanatory shit than actual simple...
  2. starrysky

    Which pen for essay type subjects

    Legibility? What is this word ... "legibility"? I wrote 1100 words in 40 minutes for my AoS essay last night, and at least 60% of it was practically illegible. lolscrewed.
  3. starrysky

    over it?

    Ditto. I've been over it for ages. But the main motivation is the fact that there's only a little way more to go before I can finally rid myself of the HSC ... ... and then sit curled up on my chair in the foetal position on December 20, fearing my UAI will be craptacular.
  4. starrysky

    And it's on. Are you ready?

    I meant the Tuesday that just passed. =_=" So strangled by English that I can't even make sense anymore. O_O :p
  5. starrysky

    And it's on. Are you ready?

    I'm psyched. But tonight I'll probably panic a little, at least ... My teacher's still got a tight grip on my essays, she's trying to tear them all new orifices, but she said she'd have them to me by yesterday; probably means she's either trying to beef it up or trying to nitpick an awful...
  6. starrysky


    She lives here. I got an SMS from UNSW today, wishing me good luck. Then five minutes later one from USYD rolled along and I was just like "Thanks, but :mad1: too busy panicking."
  7. starrysky

    Good Luck '07!

    Shanks, Kevin. :) And best of luck to the language peeps who start tomorrow.
  8. starrysky

    Night you finish exams

    Catching the train into the city with a couple of dancing friends who're also finishing on the same day, and we're gonna walk around hyperactive, hustling people on the way to Starbucks. :D
  9. starrysky

    Hlp m 'm frkng t

    :o ;) I'm going to start freaking out next Tuesday after I get out of Business; I'll have to cram Biology notes, Math practice and EE1 notes/practice into six days. Yuck.
  10. starrysky

    Hlp m 'm frkng t

    TOTES EXCITED FOR PAPER 1. Etc. etc. Bring it on. I'm so ready for Area of Study, and two of my three modules. By next Monday I'll be preparededed. Math? No. No. No. Expecting <50% for that exam. Biology & Business will be fine. I hope ... Same goes for EE1 ... BUT BRING ON ENGLISH...
  11. starrysky

    how much have you covered?

    English Advanced - Essays for Area of Study, Module B & Module C done. Need to start+finish Module A, then revise over them. English Extension 1 - 0%. Mathematics - 10%. Nine more past papers to tackle, also need to write out all the formulae repeatedly. Biology - 0%. Business Studies -...
  12. starrysky

    anyone got 2 exams in a day?

    Ouchhh. I have two sets of back-to-back ones ... ePaper2/Business, and Math/Bio. Good luck & best wishes to any people who do have two in one day, though ... >_>
  13. starrysky

    Game Over

    I'm excited for the English exams; I'm fairly confident for AoS, since my teacher didn't tear my essay a new arsehole, and my creative writing is fine. Section I isn't too bad, either. And my modules are finally back in action; revision guides & teacher furiously emailing notes equals absolutely...
  14. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    YUSSS. It starts in four days, but stuff that. This week is just going to be pure English re-viz, yo? I'm excited for the AoS exam. Literally. O_O I've calmed down a bit. I have three teachers' feedback on my AoS essay, and Powerplay and Transformations are behaving. Fwee!
  15. starrysky

    Game Over

    I need a Band 5 minimum in everything just to get something above 78/80. Ack. Five days left. And I'm still feverishly pondering Modules A & C and wishing they'd fuck off. Module B is sexual. And I still have to get my EE1 shit done, so I can spend Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday doing Biology...
  16. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    -huggles Macquarie guide- I wouldn't've spotted the feminist reading in The Violets if not for it. -huggles it again- Off-Topic: Zomg. Your avatar. HAWWT. <3 On-Topic: I think I've calmed down from a big panic attack the other night, realising the significance of HSC, etc. etc. Probably...
  17. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    Butbutbutbutbutbut ... :mad1: Come on! Christian readings, feminist readings, psychoanalytical/Freudian. Glass Jar, The Violets, Prize-Giving. Everything else can jump off a cliff. And the GOOD thing about Harwood is they can only ask you certain questions, so you won't get thrown; it's all...
  18. starrysky

    staying motivated?

    Yeah, but Chem's like 2847624864872464 times more content and science-esque and whatever than English. =_=;; AKFjhafkjfkjfjk. I haven't even started my Bio notes yet; I wanna do them this week so I don't have to spend the week between Business and Math doing them. ><" In ... wait ... shit...
  19. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    Same here. Aiming for something above a Band 4. -nodnod- The only good thing about the modules I do is that everything can be condensed. The bad thing about Module C is that Powerplay covers a whole lot of shit, and the question can throw you. -stabs it- EDIT: You HATE Harwood?! But her poetry...
  20. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    I heard it's difficult to get a Band 6 in Standard, not in Advanced. Who here's finding it difficult to condense essays into writeable chunks for forty-minute increments so that we don't end up screwing up a module completely in the exam? -flails arms- =_="