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  1. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    Same here. AFKJhafkjfhkjf stupid bloody modules. It's a ridiculous course. And I'm only confident for one of the three ... it scares me that I could lose up to 40 marks in the HSC for Advanced ... T__T;;
  2. starrysky

    staying motivated?

    At least you've STARTED on Science notes, Hung. :p Update on my fruitless pursuits: English Advanced - AoS essay done, working on Harwood. Transformations + Powerplay not yet done. Fuck. English Extension 1 - Zilch. Mathematics - Done one question of one past paper. Biology - ... Business...
  3. starrysky

    Motivation tips for ENGLISH

    I HEART TANZIN. (L) (L) (L) Lolololol. Yes. Tomorrow night as well for me. I still need to re-work Harwood. I didn't attempt Module C in my trial ... >_> KAFJhafkjhfkjhafkjaff. I'll motivate you a la Bebobitchslap, yo? Just think, people - in a matter of NINE days, it'll all be over for...
  4. starrysky

    Motivation tips for ENGLISH

    I like your thinking, woman. (Y) I'm not going to study at all until 7:30. I value my Futurama too much. However, I shall attempt my Transformations & Powerplay essays until midnight. Moh. Motivation of the day: "English counts no matter what. Oh holy fuck. SCREAM."
  5. starrysky

    staying motivated?

    I don't think it's really the fact that it stretches too long. Rather, maybe it's because we've all graduated, and the time off school pretty much shoots all motivation out of the window ... ... at least that's how it is with me. O_O
  6. starrysky

    staying motivated?

    !!! Precisely my thought pattern. Trials over => Bludge => September passes => Bludge => October => Holy shit it's OCTOBER already?! iUnprepared. iDead. iFail. Etc. etc. One week left. And there's so much to cram into that one week if I want to be ready for the exams and not have to worry...
  7. starrysky

    staying motivated?

    Same here. I swore to myself that I would start studying at midday. It's now four and a half hours later, and all I've done is open my revision book. That's it. And I'm panicking. I haven't finished my English Advanced essays. I haven't even started my Biology notes. I haven't touched any...
  8. starrysky


    I like your thinking.
  9. starrysky


    Lololol. Sorry, I just find that utterly hilarious. :p All my trust in tables was defenestrated when I sat my French yearly in Year 10 and it just gave way when I leaned on it. :mad1:
  10. starrysky

    The, "Who hasn't studied" Thread

    I haven't so much as touched EE1 with a ten-foot pole yet; all my efforts are being particularly well wasted on English Advanced. However, I think I'll start notes this weekend, and pester my teacher in the coming week so I don't have to worry about cramming.
  11. starrysky


    I like your thinking.
  12. starrysky


    :mad1: Lucky. I got a rattly one for my Math trial, and it just wouldn't stop annoying the FUCK out of me. -creak- -rattle- FKJAFHAFKJHFKJFH. -asplodes- >_>
  13. starrysky

    any surprises this year?

    Yeah, true. But still ... hasn't really paid off ... -glares at ranks- :p
  14. starrysky

    any surprises this year?

    I got surprises in the opposite way too. I was good at shit in Year 11, and then everything plummeted in Year 12. :D
  15. starrysky

    worked harder for trials than hsc?

    We'll all pull through. :D HUZZAH! -runs around cheering- I definitely wasn't feeling this panicky and stressed about trials. KAJfhkjhkjfhakjhfjk.
  16. starrysky

    worked harder for trials than hsc?

    Hahah, same. Is it weird that I grimaced repeatedly at the sunshine outside? >_> But I digress. Anybody here absolutely sick of studying? But then, when parents ask you to do stuff like chores, you say you'd PREFER to study? -glares at father-
  17. starrysky

    worked harder for trials than hsc?

    Same. Eeeek. >_< Was trying hard not to hyperventilate today in the bookstore. Ack. -pulls out revision books-
  18. starrysky

    Oh Dear!

    What he said. (Y) Great advice. I'm in the same situation. What I tend to do is just to stop worrying about how significant things may be in the scheme of things, open up revision books, and write out notes/essays/practice questions, etc. Instead of hopping back on the computer when you're on a...
  19. starrysky

    Advanced Englishhhh Help: how to study

    Re: Advanced Englishhhh Help! What she said. A combination of both is most desirable; memorise key quotes, techniques, and how to link them to whatever journey/module you're studying, and then have broad-ranging essays which essentially communicate your ideas but which are flexible enough to...
  20. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    Does anybody else here do Genre? Specifically, speculative fiction? Lololol. Easymodulelykwoah. Ext. shouldn't be freaked out over unless you actually have to learn new stuff before the exam. I mean, if you're not ready now, you'll never be ready. (Y)