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  1. starrysky

    Uni Open Days

    Anyone going to the UNSW one next Saturday?
  2. starrysky

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    I've been over HSC for ages. Trials were alright. Not good. Not bad. Alright. Three cheers for mediocrity. I choose that it's two months until the HSC. Not eight weeks, as it sounds considerably closer than two months. Two months ftw. I shall get sloshed under-age after the exams.
  3. starrysky

    How THICK is your journal?

    Holy CRAP. Seriously. Kudos to you, dude, kudos.
  4. starrysky

    Any other dancers here?

    So ... *whistles* am I the only active Irish dancer on here? gliiiiiiiiitterfairy ... you might remember me from DDN. Tehe.
  5. starrysky


    I do Irish dance. :) Absolutely love it.
  6. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    What I wouldn't give to go to an all-boys school ... *daydreams* Whoops. Heh ... I hate reflection conclusions that make no reference to the writer, whatsoever. It's so annoying. "This happened and over the past year, the Major Work has evolved blah blah blah" ... It's actually good to be a...
  7. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    I want to kill it, goddamnit! But considering they say the HSC is easier than the Trials, things should work out well ... I had better get an exemplary result on that last exam because I need it to scale up all my other crap. Heh.
  8. starrysky


    Yes, you will all gain insight into my personal life! BWAHAHAHAHA. I have no shame, clearly. No, seriously. Sentimental stuff. *bows head* ... *brightens up* Am being 'took out' tomorrow night. :D Oh joy.
  9. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    Bwahaha. My last HSC exam is on 2 November. Flight to Queensland before mid-November, fwee. Fathers are belligerent fools who cannot use the Internet. At least, mine is. *glares*
  10. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    (Y) Go Sam. *pom-pom shake*
  11. starrysky


    Alright, Major Work and Reflection Statement are up. Read away, guys, read away.
  12. starrysky

    BOS Showcase: 2007 Major Works

    Okay, here goes. Read away. Title: Walls Medium: Short Story EDIT: Bahah. Told you. One page in, yo? <3
  13. starrysky

    Presenting your MW

    According to the lecturers at a study day I went to, the markers get to pick out the stuff from genres that they personally like, and then they take on extra's afterwards or something, so perhaps they won't be offended. :) Ahaha. Emo emo emo. That's hilarious. <3
  14. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

  15. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    Mine was just like ... all over the place. Hooray. :) I unfortunately haveth verily no control over my copy, as it has been lended to a friend. Four months ago. *readies pitchfork* EDIT: Indeed. We're cool that way.
  16. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    Gotta love the undermining glare. (Y) It's interesting to come across other people who use (Y) and (N) ad nauseam. Unfortunately? *raises eyebrow* But you have three girls at your disposal! (In some weird, implicit fashion, but still.) I am one of three manly (*gigglesnort*) people in my class...
  17. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    What a thrilling timetable. (Y)
  18. starrysky


    *eats popcorn and drinks Coke ... with alcohol* One martini, two martini, three martini, floor.
  19. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    Ah, how fun. Five in EE1 for me, two in EE2. (Y), I suppose? I like your avatar. It depicts vividly the extent to which the expression on my face represents my feelings towards my Major Work. You know that you're caving in when you watch The Simpsons and then start talking aloud about how the...
  20. starrysky

    Presenting your MW

    Eeek, same here. I had two endings and no feedback from teachers so I just picked one and stuck it on the end. O_O *hi 5's all round* Did you guys have any change of ideas or anything? EDIT: ^^^ Lol @ the snippet.