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  1. starrysky

    Presenting your MW

    Same here, same here. *nods in agreement* :( Felt oddly funny to walk home at 3:00 PM today. How long was your MW in the end?
  2. starrysky


    Shall I get the popcorn and extremely large cup of Coca-Cola with icecubes and a lid that doesn't fit? I'll get around to posting my stuff one day. One day.
  3. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    How many in your EE1 class?
  4. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    Yes, damn me. I make up for it by four dance classes a week and blisters on my feet from all the toe-stands. *grins proudly* Oh wait, there's an emoticon for that. :D Huzzah. It's green. How many do you have left?
  5. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    Anywhere above 35 and the expectations just climb and climb and climb. *glares at previous candidates* I stare with a twitchy eye at the schools that have 30+ people doing EE2.
  6. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    My teachers are scarily competent for their jobs, and we had a 49/50 and a 43/50 last year for EE2, hence the "EMULATE THIS!" and the "FUCK YOU I CAN'T BE BOTHERED". It had Tobey Maguire on the front of it this time, unless I am very much mistaken. Drool.
  7. starrysky


    *pats on back* There there.
  8. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    Nobody expects homosexuality. It's terribly amusing. :p Interesting drunks, love, and British humour make the world go round. And Irish dancers, too, we own at life. More athletic than bloody high-energy aerobic people, we are. *nods* *does a jig* I shall go out and get sloshed tonight, verily...
  9. starrysky


    Ah, how many are up there, though?
  10. starrysky

    BOS Showcase: 2007 Major Works

    Re: BoS 2007 Major Works - Post Here. One page in I'll post mine. In the meanwhile, I'll wait for others to crop up so I can compare and contrast, and wail in embarrassment.
  11. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    Oh, might just be my school then, that brandishes English-teacher magazines in our faces and yells "EMULATE THIS!".
  12. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    What? I am a dude. Proud owner of a penis and proud homosexual. Gay pride for the win. Ahahah. I think I might just do that. It's unnerving when you tell people you wax lyrical when texting drunk, and find they don't do the same. Boo hiss to them.
  13. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    Oh, good! That's a very good habit we have here. I tend to text when intoxicated, it makes for delicious debauchery. Text ex-ex-ex-boyfriend saying that you want to have his babies, even though you hate him and cannot physically bear a child? *check* Bitch and rant in an SMS to mate about...
  14. starrysky

    The End For 2007

    Yes, it's unisex in Vietnam and means "spring", as in the season. (Y) I am proud of it, verily I am.
  15. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    Has anyone read the recent issue of mETAphor? Some of the conclusions in there make Sam's aww seem insignificant.
  16. starrysky

    RS Conclusion

    Gotta love the feel-good endings, Jim. <3
  17. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    I prefer Baileys with something else, rather than Baileys alone. Just makes things seem a lot more fun. Is it just me, or does everyone have the ability to remember everything, including spelling, grammar and punctuation, when drunk? The only thing I don't remember is to not text people when...
  18. starrysky


    Since it's over, shall we all share plotlines and suchlike? I congratulate you on your determination, arwin. *nods* I just touched mine up on Monday and then spent from 6 PM - 2 AM poring over fragments of a Reflection Statement that I didn't actually write until the day it was due. Whoop-whoop...
  19. starrysky

    Presenting your MW

    At least we're guaranteed a good night's sleep from now on. Except for HSC, in which case the liquor store shall be robbed and I shall be found sitting in a padded cell with white clothes on, clutching an eyeless teddy bear. My Major Work is horrible. Well ... in hindsight, that's how I feel. I...
  20. starrysky

    The End For 2007

    *takes a swig* starrysky = Xuan. :)