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  1. starrysky

    hey i need help

    I both envy and twitch at critical responses. Those who choose to compose them are admirable in their ambition, but the very thought of writing one for a Major Work gives me the heebie-jeebies. Eck. Kudos to you! Mine's just a plain old cathartic and autobiographical short story, which...
  2. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Pfft. Give me some of that determination - I've spent the last half-hour dissecting my journal remnants to see what else I could pump into my RS (!!). Word limit is 1200. Here's to betting that when I finish it, I'll have gone over. Aww. Ah well, trials are a prime opportunity to get over...
  3. starrysky

    hey i need help

    I'm thankful for inner - imaginary's rumoured to be the most difficult of the three, but I couldn't envision myself adapting to studying imaginary journeys. Physical's a load of your shoulders, though, because it's a lot less interpreting than the other two, albeit seeming really...
  4. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Oooh! English Paper 1 was okay for me - not exemplary, since the questions were bothersome and worded weirdly - best of luck for your trials! And you suck - inner journeys ftw. Ahah.
  5. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Ahaha. That was good. *nods* A fine job thou hast done. :) I'm going to go and stop my eye from twitching ...
  6. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    ^ Ahah, I was thinking the exact same thing. It'd be so much better if we could have the reflection as something aural, rather than written ... but therein lies the challenge, I suppose ... a challenge that ticks you off. *glares at the Board of Studies* *eye twitches*
  7. starrysky

    hey i need help

    I'm inclined to agree with DownInFlames. It's been up to you for the past year to get things going for yourself. To be honest, my mouth literally dropped open when I saw your question about what a journal was. Reading through your MW with your teacher is not boring; it's the entire opposite...
  8. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    I'd say definitely - isn't there a thread in the main forum that they start every year, and we post our major works and reflection statements or something? Meh. I'm delighted for that, but then ... stupid ... reflection crap. Two more days ...
  9. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Holy crap! I have to agree with Rowman on this one; English Extension 2 is a year-long process of growth and development of both persona and writing that is documented and reflected on as evidence. What did you do for your Proposal, your Viva Voce, and your Report? Do you have any entries or...
  10. starrysky

    Last Line of your Major Work?

    "The mass of blue blazers surrounding him were no comfort, no different to his own, and he looked quietly out of the window as though waiting for something bad to happen." *hugs last line* I love it like a cat loves milk.
  11. starrysky

    EE2 2007 bitch and procrastination thread

    My teachers art incompetent fucks, verily they art. My trials finished on Tuesday, and I bummed around the house until Friday. Decided to go to school to check if there was anything else I needed to add onto my 4U pile, and found out I have a Report to write. Worth 20%. Due Monday the 20th. My...
  12. starrysky

    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    "He threw the" Oh the joys of being simple-minded.
  13. starrysky

    Major Work? MAJOR PANIC!

    Same here, mickoz. Curse the fact that they changed the bloody syllabus - I would've been much happier with a novel. Well, they say a hundred words either way (at least they did at some study day I went to in March) ... *panic attack* I've finished my piece, but I still need to stretch it and...
  14. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    Oh crapsticks. My final assessment is due tomorrow, and my Reflection Statement & Major Work & Process Journal are due on Tuesday. I still have to make amendments to my draft and get my journal together and refine my reflection statement ... therefore I shall take the day off tomorrow and panic...