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  1. starrysky

    English Extension 2 Help

    I highly recommend talking to your teacher about this, first and foremost. Also, seek out a few of the people on here in the Critical Responses forum, as your purpose through essay-writing seems to be similar to theirs. The topics explored in critical works varies greatly, so have a dig in there...
  2. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Shut your mouth, Lord of the Rings is by far the easiest text to analyse in the SF course - at least it was for me. What was utopia like? Oh, by the way (!!), "The Handmaid's Tale" is one of the best dystopian novels I've ever encountered, I recommend it. *prods all of you* Come to the dark side...
  3. starrysky

    The End For 2007

    Lol @ kewlu's first answer. :) I handed in everything today, and it's only just dawned on me that the process (I hesitate to use the word journey as it is not only terribly cliché, but it also doesn't have quite the right cadence to it) has come to an end. This course was so much anxiety...
  4. starrysky

    What's the most popular genre people are writing in?

    I haven't the guts to contemplate post-modernism on any level, let alone utilise it. Mine's an autobiographical work, plot emphasised through use of roman a clef. So ... autobiographical, anyone? 90% of the stories I've read from my classmate and friends outside of school who do EE2, are...
  5. starrysky

    Random facts about your stories.

    1. What's the title of your story? A. Walls. 2. What's the name of one of the main characters? A. Phuong. 3.Is/are they guys/girls? A. WOMAN. Heh. 4. What is one setting/location? A. A cemetery. 5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you...
  6. starrysky

    2007 Short Story Titles

    I think they do, depending on the simplicity of the words involved. Besides, according to my bogan of an EE2 teacher: "It is whack. It all depends on how intimately your title relates to your story." *headdesk*
  7. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Would you like my lovely speculative fiction study? It involves dystopic and science-fiction studies, as well as a film study of Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I promise it will treat you nicely, it's very easy but requires a warm cup of milk before bed. It guaranteed me a square...
  8. starrysky

    Omg Its Due Soon

    Best of luck, everyone! *huggles all round* Seven hours until I hand mine in, and I'm halfway through my Reflection Statement. Crapsticks. *mutters to self and continues all-nighter*
  9. starrysky

    Front Cover of Major Work ASAP!!!

    Everything you need to know should be checked and double-checked with your teacher on the day that you hand in everything, as they will know what to do. From what I gather, your candidate number is essentially your student number; if that's the case, you can find that on both your Year 10 School...
  10. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Determination and progress ftw. Time to fabricate four months worth of journal entries. :) Which exams do you have this week?
  11. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Inner: "My Place" and "The Road Not Taken" and some related text I should change. Module A: "Emma" and "Clueless". Sexist female-oriented crock of shit. Module B: Gwen Harwood poetry. More sexist female-oriented crap. Yuck. Module C: "Antony and Cleopatra" and "Fahrenheit 9/11". The attempt to...
  12. starrysky

    2007 Short Story Titles

    "Walls" Plain and simple. It relates irritatingly to my Major Work and I really can't be arsed thinking of anything else without sounding lame.
  13. starrysky

    Having crushes with someone YOUNGER THAN YOU??? OMG

    ... What kind of a question is that? Sorry, but really. It's as FAR from legal as you can get.
  14. starrysky

    hey i need help

    Be thankful you don't have Morgan's "My Place" and inner. I was right in my Year 11 prediction that Advanced would be a crock of shit. I wish the techniques were as obvious in the autobiography. It's so dense and boring that you get two pages into it and it puts you to sleep. Literally. Who...
  15. starrysky

    Are You Gay...

    Not necessarily. It probably means you're just into kinky shit. Besides, males can gain a great amount of pleasure from anal stimulation of their prostate gland - something you can't get by merely fucking your significant other. (FYI: I am gay, so the statement is valid.)
  16. starrysky

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Alors! Je parle le francais assez bien. Mais je n'ai pas etudie or converse le francais depuis deux ans ...
  17. starrysky

    hey i need help

    *glare* Lucky. Ahah. Psyched for the first English paper? It'll make you grin. :) ... well it made me grin, but then I have a tendency to not do what people expect, so ... hm. Fhsjffhfjfkfjk. I just went over the word limit (!!). Stupid teachers. Time to condense this report crap ...
  18. starrysky

    What have you eaten today?

    1. French toast & orange 'n' mango juice @ breakfast. 2. McDonalds for lunch - large fries, double cheeseburger, large chocolate sundae, large frozen Coke. 3. 1L of water throughout the day due to heinous 3-hour dance practice. 4. Fried rice, sweet & sour pork and satay chicken for dinner. 5. Mi...
  19. starrysky

    High motabolism

    Well, I'm 5'9" and weigh 45kg ... my BMI is dangerously low, but why is it that I do not care about this? Yes, I know I should care, but I really don't ... I haven't gained much weight the past three years, so I'll just rejoice in my great fortune. Hee.
  20. starrysky

    hey i need help

    I have no patience of anything analytical or critical, unless it's associated with some kind of creative writing in the vein of stories or poetry. Everything else is just air to me. :P Bwahahah. Just finished my Report. Boo yah! And before 1 AM, too ... everyone in the house go whoop-whoop! Now...